A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.
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I know many of you use openmailbox. I think you may be interested in this alternative. Bulgaria seems better then France (the level of surveillance machinery in France nowadays is like in the USA). This mail provider works great with Tor and has a .onion hidden instance. It works perfectly fine without javascript (just made an account). You can both make an account and access the webmail without allowing any javashit.
If you want to take your personal computing into your own hands, a good idea is to set up your own email server. And then maybe let your friends and family that have less technical experience also use it.
Jei: sure! But many don't have the knowledge or just don't want to take the trouble of setting their own server. But I agree that it is the best possible solution.
I personally trust and use riseup. But this one seems pretty decent too (the ruggedinbox mail).
I didn't try it (yet) but this seems an easy way to set up a webmail server: https://mailinabox.email/
EDIT: whatever provider/service one chooses to use he must not forget to encrypt the mails. Icedove and enigmail is so easy to use everyone can learn it in 5 minutes. Encrypt!
WOW! Mailinabox looks pretty amazing. I've been running my own mailserver for a while now, but it's a pain to set everything up manually and the security best practices included in Mailinabox are compelling. I think I'll make the switch!
glad you liked it lloydsmart! :)
Hi SuperTramp83,
Great job!
I strongly believe this should be included in Free Software Foundation's Free Software Webmail Systems page for the whole free software community.
Can you do it?
Hi lap4fsf! I think you are right. In fact I just sent them a mail.
Hopefully ruggedinbox will get added to the list.
Awesome. I love https://ruggedinbox.com/ . :)
The gentleman who answered my mail told me that he informed the guy responsible of the mail list and that they should update the website to include several new services (rugged included hopefully).
Since I read your posting, I did open an e-mail account with them. Matter fact, I'm looking and researching to setup a e-mail server for us. My colleagues agree and vote for it, All 14 employees voted unanimously. I'm committed to my employees because of their vote! My employees would like it to be functional in 6 months.
Anymore suggestion are welcome.
Iḿ interested
As promised, ruggedinbox mail service was added to the list of Free Software Webmail Systems
yayy :P
Great to hear that!
I have opened an account in ruggedinbox.com.
The roundcube log-in screen seems to have some issue with LibreJS add-on, while squirrelmail flavour, on the other hand seems to work like charm.
Possibly, a newbie question: How do the ruggedinbox.com handle encryption? Do I need to set up the encryption key-pair myself and if so, where should I save them?
I have an openmailbox account too, but when I log out, the key pair (public and private) is lost, and this has caused issues in reading encrypted mails.
To be frank, I am having limited experience in sending unencrypted and unsigned mails.
So any help is highly appreciable.
Hi lap4fsf. I'm glad you like ruggedinbox. I myself trust them. I have a riseup mail account and I opened a ruggedinbox account too :)
I recommend you install the addon enigmail for Icedove. It is a very easy way to sign/encrypt/decrypt your mails, very effective and very easy to use.
Here a guide that may help you -> https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/
My bad!
I forgot about this email self defence guide.
Thank you SuperTrump83, for bringing the old pal to memory.
Ruggedinbox has a few limits:
- 30 outgoing emails per day
- 1 outgoing email every 3 minutes
while Openmailbox has not these limits. Besides Openmailbox has grown rapidly. They already have about 130 000 users at the moment.
openmailbox is subject to the Charlie law. It requires javascript to open an account. It has a google tracker. It requires you to provide an email address for you to open an account. It doesn't have an onion hidden instance.
Ruggedinbox has a few limits:
- 30 outgoing emails per day
- 1 outgoing email every 3 minutes
I see no limits in it..
Besides Openmailbox has grown rapidly. They already have about 130 000 users at the moment.
For heavy corporate users, not being able to send more than 30 e-mails a day can be a problem. For free software advocates too...
Plus most corporate users you'll communicate with will be using gmail, yahoo mail etc. Might as well use one of those too (not anonymous nor privacy-friendly, but secure enough, even with js enabled).
The true advantage of ruggedinbox (not being forced to use javascript and maybe Tor) is indeed rendered impractical in that case anyway.
I just tried sending myself a test mail from ruggedinbox to gmail. It's received as a spam. I wouldn't call that useable. Is there a way to prevent that?
It could be that it's not a confirmed sender.
Either way, I'd have to inform my contacts to put me out of the spam list. Totally not useable for new contacts.
Still the best thing around yet.
Of course, many of my contacts use or might use it (or yahoo, or hotmail, or whatever). It's unfortunate, and I can try to talk them out of it at least for personal life, but that's the way it is for now.
I can be as free as I want, if I can't my message across, it's pointless, you know what I mean?
Sure. And that is why I personally signup for a decent mail provider and then calmly and gently explain to my friend why, if he wants to communicate with me by mail, he needs to use a decent mail provider. If he understands I call him and tell him the password for his new mail account (which I opened, because he is 80% so noob as to not even try) and tell him where in the settings he can change the password. I then tell him that he can use gmail with the rest of the world but when he wants to communicate with me he logs into his decent webmail, inserts the psswd and writes me a mail. Simple.
If they don't understand/want to listen, I don't care much. Communication ends, or goes through telephone (not smartphone, I don't have one).
Good idea, it's doable, although it's a bit unpractical.
Though the idea of emails being truly personal is a great argument, and could be very convincing. I'll probably do that while keeping gmail for business (no way I'd do that with work partners, I'd starve).
I'm also tempted by the idea of the home phone only (ditching the smartphone). after all, I can check messages and call back.
But for now I'll accept giving my geolocation for a very useful (potentially lifesaving tool) while looking for a better way.
But it's definitely tempting.
I will try it
I've tried getting accounts on rugged inbox and open mailbox. Both have visual captcha, with no alternative way to prove I'm human. I guess people who need tools like Orca screen reader are not welcome.
Hi Dave!
That is a shame indeed. Not only filling a captcha is required to open the account but also to login to the webmail service.
If you have a friend that can help you fill the captcha when you open an account you can then use their service with a client like icedove or claws mail.
I sent them a mail about the requirement of filling a captcha when loging into an account when using the webmail service. I can understand the need for one when signing up for a new account but needing to fill a captcha each time one wants to log in is unnecessary and it is a problem for many people with visual impairment.
I found out about tutanota.de. It runs on free software, and apparently they plan to support LibreJS.
Tutanota looks cool. I hope someone is passing on all these suggestions to the FSF for consideration, to see if they are appropriate to list on the Free Webmail List (or Free Software Directory in the case of MailinaBox).
Where have you heard that plan? There's an open issue for it at: https://tutanota.uservoice.com/forums/237921-general/suggestions/7502086-librejs-compliance
"In addition we plan to support LIbreJS"
And also here: https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/180356/533567
Excellent news! Thanks.
I have sent a mail to Ryan for including Tutanota.de in the list of approved free software webmail systems.
Hopefully, he will get it from there.
Yes, it seems Tutanota is already under review. If you view the html source of the FSF page (https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems), you'll see a section that's commented out - lines 369-395. This is what they say about Tutanota:
LibreJS blocks pretty much all scripts on the page - js needed for registration. They do look keen on GPLv3 and security, as well as libre/freedom, so look promising.
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Let's hope tuta nota fixes their scripts soon, and can get the RYF
seel of approval. Same for postio.
On 08/12/2015 02:45 PM, name at domain wrote:
> Yes, it seems Tutanota is already under review. If you view the
> source code of the FSF page
> (https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems), you'll see a
> section that's commented out - lines 369-395. This is what they say
> about Tutanota: LibreJS blocks pretty much all scripts on the page
> - js needed for registration. They do look keen on GPLv3 and
> security, as well as libre/freedom, so look promising.
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Great news about tutanota; I've decided to migrate to posteo.de. Not sure about its fitness for librejs, but I temporarily whitelisted it for signup and preferences setting. There is a captcha of the non-image, non-audio-file kind; I had no trouble with it. The automatic migration assistant is a nice extra; I've copied my gmail data. Account config in icedove is automatic; very nice!
Dave, posteo.de is recommended by the Free Software Foundation too. According to FSF, posteo is "Fully compliant with LibreJS's standards, but a bug in LibreJS causes the site to not work when the plugin is enabled."
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Thanks for further validating my choice of email provider :) I
whitelisted the site in noscript. The web interface could use some
accessibility improvement; since I can use icedove, it's not a deal
On 08/11/2015 03:11 PM, name at domain wrote:
> Dave, posteo.de is recommended by the Free Software Foundation
> too.
Version: GnuPG v1
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