Most people hate free software

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Joined: 01/29/2017

Well I think I'll give my opinion on these topic. Probably much of what I'll say has already been said but anyways.

If you can't make friends with other peoble because you don't use facebook, skype or others then those people are not worth having as friends. Real friends will always prefer to be face to face rather than depending on some unnecesary digital technology, plus, if for some reason they are far away, they would be flexible enough to use other methods for comunicating (email, free alternatives to skype or even telephone).

I don't know how much you stay on the computer, but sometimes it's worth going outside to the real world and meet real people. I don't know if it is your case as you may have already done so but I thought it would be worth pointing out.

About playing games or watching netflix, you rejecting it won't make netflix go away, after all is your friend who is paying for netflix and all a company watch for knowing how succesful they are is their income, I doubt they even care about the views while they still are making profit. Another point is, that person would watch that movie anyways as soon as you left. If someone ask you to play a game or watch a movie and it is their equipment that is being used, just join them, It won't harm you and you'll have a great time.

I have a similar situation but instead of being about software philosophies is about religion (an even older topic XD). I'm the only atheist in a christian school (Yes I know, sounds weird) but not because of this I go everywhere telling people why the should believe in a divinity (God in this case), I just let them believe in what they want. And I managed to make friends, not a lot for sure because I am different to my classmates in many ways, and while they know we dont belive in the same stuff, they just accept me as I accept them. Maybe I was just lucky, but it is a point, If people want to use non-free software, they are free to give their freedom to who they want, it is not up to you to force them to change this doesn't mean you shouldn't mention that propietary software is bad for everyone, but if they hear your comment and don't feel interested in the topic just never talk about it again as it will only create an uncomfortable situation.

It is ok to try to follow all the things that people like RMS say, like "I won't even watch a film on a friend's computer because she uses netflix". But as soon as it starts to hurt your social interactions you should start to reconsider and give in a bit (while it is not your computing nor freedom being affected).

Little note about being vegan/vegetarian: (You can perfectly ignore this) there is no point in not eating meat for things like being in favor of other animals, there is nothing bad with eating meat (as soon as you don't eat more than your body requires). The Human Being is a omnivorous animal after all. I too feel bad for other animals but I like to think that even if i didn't eat that meat, the animal would have been killed anyways or worst, been killed and then the meat thrown away making it's death worthless. Anyways, if you prefer to still avoid meat it's fine, just don't forget to get all the vitamins and other stuff that usually comes from meat from other alternatives.


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Joined: 06/19/2015

> I don't know how much you stay on the computer, but sometimes it's
> going outside to the real world and meet real people. I don't know
if it is
> your case as you may have already done so but I thought it would be
> pointing out.

I don't have access to public transportation or a car (my eyesight is
unacceptable) so I have to ask family members or other people to drive
me somewhere if I am ever going to get out of the house. It's
difficult to convince them.


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Joined: 06/19/2015

> It is ok to try to follow all the things that people like RMS say,
like "I
> won't even watch a film on a friend's computer because she uses
netflix". But
> as soon as it starts to hurt your social interactions you should
start to
> reconsider and give in a bit (while it is not your computing nor
> being affected).

One part of why I do this is that I don't want people like RMS to be
left out. I hope my rejection will put pressure on others to welcome
all people, and not make Netflix and games the only thing humans do
together for fun. I don't want to be a "victim coperpetrator".

Joined: 01/29/2017

I agree with you, I would like that people wasn't as dependant in technology as they are. It's quite sad to see in a cafe toghether with friends and just looking to their cellphones not talking to each other. But always remember, we Human Beings are social beings, we depend for our health on social interactions, some are stronger and can resist being alone, but not all of us can, and there is nothing wrong with it, after all it is our nature. Just don't try to be a martyr if it is too much for you, after all is not your freedom you're worried about, you already got that covered. Just don't limit yourself more than necesary as it won't get you anywhere.

Joined: 12/10/2013

"The Human Being is a omnivorous animal after all."

Indeed, we are omnivorous, not carnivorous. We can survive entirely on a plant-based diet, and it causes less harm both to animals and to the environment to consume plants rather than animals. Defending eating meat because it is natural is fallacious for two reasons: (1) it is an appeal to nature. Many things that happen in nature (for example, cannibalism) we would consider barbaric. And we do a lot of things by choice that are unnatural, for instance computers. Humans are not "naturally" predisposed to using computers. (2) The animal agriculture system is hardly natural.

"I too feel bad for other animals but I like to think that even if i didn't eat that meat, the animal would have been killed anyways or worst, been killed and then the meat thrown away making it's death worthless."

You would like to think that, but that is wishful thinking at best. If the demand goes down, the number of animals killed will go down. By going vegan, you can decrease the demand for meat thus decreasing the number of animals killed.

"Anyways, if you prefer to still avoid meat it's fine, just don't forget to get all the vitamins and other stuff that usually comes from meat from other alternatives."

Yes, this is easy to do if you eat a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. You should supplement B12 of course, and D if you live in a place with less sunlight, but many non-vegans should think about supplementing these too. Anyway, this is why I believe that it is the logical choice for anyone with the ability to go vegan to do so.

Joined: 05/30/2012

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It's a pain to go into my browser and log in just to respond to forum
posts, but ok...

Joined: 05/30/2012

That wasn't a message that was meant for you. Whatever happened to not being a vegan activist, as you proclaimed (by agreeing to strypey with no caveats) on the previous page? You're just proving what I said to be true.

I still stand by what I said in relation to that: you need to drop the activism until you get your issues sorted out. And yes, that does include the libre software movement, too. Take care of yourself first. Once you're on track with that, with a good therapist and a path forward, then re-fit the libre software movement and whatever other causes you want to support into it, without compromising that path.

But if you insist on replying to the other thread, as you just did, I'm not going to pull any punches when you're wrong.


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Joined: 06/19/2015

This is a public thread, not a PM with Strypey.

Joined: 01/29/2017

I just pointed all that because I know the story of a vegan family that lost their child negating him the nutrients that come in meat (yes I know, there are vegetal alternatives) but the only point was to remember that if you do it the wrong way you can harm you (and yes ther is the other extreme when you get ill eating too much meat). But really, it wasn't something to really take too seriusly as it was not the main point of my comment.


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Joined: 06/19/2015

Those parents were morons.

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The point here was the premise that Calher is unhappy, and as I see, all the advise everyone was giving was aimed at fixing this premise. Obviously, Calher, and everyone else, can do whatever they want with their life and eat as they like.

I probably should not say more on this topic, but I cannot resist the temptation because I have been in rough spots and have seen others I care about have similar problems (as I said, find a grain of pepper from a house that has seen no death...or suffering). If your life is unbearable and you are asking for help in a forum, it would be smart to be more receptive instead of shooting down all proposed action.

I am sure it is possible to be a vegan and have a balanced diet. For me, this is not the point. The point is, perhaps Calher is not receiving a balanced diet. This could be one of the factors that is affecting Calher's life negatively.

I can see that Calher thinks deeply about ethics, and I personally agree that in a binary choice between eating industrially "manufactured" animals or their products or not doing so, it is ethical not do so. At the same time, I do not see an ethical issue in humanely keeping free range chickens and eating their eggs, for example, something that could be suitable in Calher's secluded environment.

In any case, following an ethics that is not shared by the majority of the members of your community will no doubt make you feel lonely and excluded. This much should be obvious. It is indeed a price to pay, and each must decide where the sweet spot is. From the posts I have read Calher comes accross as having a short patience and not being very tolerant. Again, to each his own. The advise (at least the one I gave) was meant to try to give constructive input for Calher to change his life for the positive.

It's like that case where one of Jung's pacients told him that no matter what, everything he tried failed. Jung told him, "have you tried failing yet? Maybe you would succeed." Oftentimes we are so trapped in our own paradigms that we cannot see a way out that would be obvious to others. Frequently, I feel, making a few small changes, forcing ourselves at first, gets the inertia going and quickly snowballs into something positive that has deep effects (excercise being one such example, a balanced diet being another). It is important to get out of the muck; to break the stalemate with oneself so to speak.



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Joined: 06/19/2015

name at domain wrote ..
> If your life is unbearable and you
> are asking for help in a forum, it would be smart to be more receptive
> instead of shooting down all proposed action.

I'm sorry. I just can't go without companionship and hugs.


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Joined: 07/07/2013

I understand. Companionship and hugs do not come about in a vacuum, that's all. If you focus on putting yourself in a good place first, companionship and hugs will follow. You will put yourself in appropriate places/situations. Others will look for you more, etc.

Edit: Typo.

Joined: 05/10/2017

@calher I find myself in the same situation as you are. Although I am still studying and cannot get a job yet, my friends/family do use proprietary softwares and I do still preach to them that it bad but I doubt that they listen or open their eyes. I'm not giving up though..
You can add me on xmpp: name at domain