New Trisquel User Here

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Joined: 01/20/2013

Hello all,

I'm a new Trisquel User as of today, and I have to say I am incredibly impressed. I have been wanting to use a truly free OS on my first generation Macbook for a while now, having noticed open source drivers going from incomplete to full support of the hardware over the years. I am beyond thrilled that there is now a completely free OS that works with no qualms, out of the box perfectly. To be honest, I was anticipating having issues to work through, as I had with a couple other distros, but alas, my anticipation was in vain. :D

So, many compliments to the Trisquel team for putting together a beautiful free OS that functions immaculately. You guys did an amazing job on the Gnome desktop by creating something simple and functional out of Gnome 3, not to mention tasteful in design. Abrowser is a great web browser as well, and of course it comes with the standard application appointments for media and office applications as well.

Once again, kudos to the team for making a great GNU/Linux distro, and I see a great future for the project.



I am a member!

Joined: 04/23/2011

You might consider a financial contribution if you like it so much. There is a lot of work to be done and the project could use the money to fund a developer to work on it full time. The lead developer (and founder) has put many years into this project with little to no reward. It would really be great if we could raise the funds coming in t get him on board full time. It would definitely increase the speed at which issues get resolved. As it is the ditribution is significantly farther behind than would be desirable.

You can also get free software friendly hardware at and 10% will go to the Trisquel project. Mostly this is helping to improve support for the hardware really. Some thing work great and other things not so much. New computers, some types of wifi cards, printers, etc for instance can be harder to get a hold of because manufacturers are not in sync with Trisquel or otherwise there aren't even free software friendly chipsets available.

There is also the gift store:

ThinkPenguin also has some gift-type items (case badges, mouse pads, etc).

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

10%? The ad at the right of this Web page says 25%!


I am a member!

Joined: 04/23/2011

:) Thank you for the correction. It is 25% of the profits actually. We contribute a lot of money to various projects. Trisquel isn't the only one and my mind was apparently elsewhere. Trisquel does get 25% of the profits from We also donate to various other projects. Many of whom get 10% depending on the arrangements. Some are also getting a straight out dollar amount or a combination thereof. Trisquel does get more than any other in terms of a percentage. We certainly aren't holding back! And really it's getting more than 25% since we aren't taking into account all the actual costs.


I am a member!

Joined: 01/29/2013

Welcome Gustav - it's a great distro and an awesome community. I hope you will continue to enjoy it for a long time! You joined at just the right time because the next release of Trisquel is just a few weeks away!

Joined: 09/14/2012

Welcome Gustav :D I hope you will we be happy about that distro and free software as much as we all are.

And if you have any questions you know where we are !

(This is indeed a good way to start the year in my opinion :D New year new resolutions).