Trisquel 10.0 feedback 2.0
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Hello again,
Well first I'll like to thank for all the previous feedback at
In the last weeks we have been reviewing and fixing the reported issues on the previous thread and some other nice updates for nabia, as before the results are visibly good almost at the level of a RC material, but we'll find out soon enough.
There are new nabia isos for testing (10-Dec-2021),
In case you still experience details with downloading iso images, again, you could make use of lftp,
sudo apt install lftp
lftp -c 'set net:idle 10
set net:max-retries 0
set net:reconnect-interval-base 3
set net:reconnect-interval-max 3
pget -n 10 -c ""'
Where triskel can be any version you want to try.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Hello, when I try to boot into the Triskel 10.0 live CD (the 10-Dec-2021 version), this happens.
I have an NV160 series GPU, and this doesn't happen on Etiona or Parabola.

I'm not very familiar with the nouveau driver performance.
I wonder if this behavior is related kernel or user space software.
Could you try etiona live image 9.0.1?, just to confirm this is not related to a kernel cleaning update from the linux-libre project some months ago.
Both kernels for nabia and etiona got updated back then.
If you boot using nomodeset kernel parameter, does it behaves different?
If I set the nomodeset kernel parameter, it boots!
But now the screen is slightly stretched, resolution is stuck at 1024x768, and refresh rate is stuck at 76Hz.
Also, animations (e.g. opening the application launcher) work, but they don't work in Parabola, and it boots in 9.0.1.
Seems to be a very specific driver/kernel issue, maybe using a newer version of the kernel than the default can help.
For nabia (t10) the default is 5.4.x, you can upgrade it to 5.8.x and possibly 5.11.x at some point, and can be addressed on a installed system.
A lot of users run linux-libre latest release packaged by jxself, to use the latest and greatest linux-libre kernel releases.
Hopefully that can solve this specific issue.
Trying the T10 live USB on an acer aspire 5742G gave two lines of text overwriting the top portion of the Sky image in the live boot menu along with a pop-up: /casper/vmlinuz: file not found OK[].
Could it be that the system biught new in 2012 is too old? It is a 4 core i3 processor that supports max 4GB in each of two memory banks presently loaded with 2GB and 1GB RAM respectively.
Giving a try to Trisquel Mini 10.0 Nabia (10-Dec-2021 release) I noticed that the main menu looks really tiny, compared to the desktop icons. In fact, all menu item texts look smaller than what the allocated space would seem to permit, including in window menus. Is that supposed to be the normal behavior with LXDE? On a 10" eeepc screen, this somehow comes as an improvement, although possibly not for farsighted users.
Some minor points:
1. I cannot see any battery indicator, neither while charging nor discharging. Maybe this is supposed to be added on the panel by the user? LXDE usually has this policy of keeping things minimal by default, which it does well.
2. The 'Setup Hot Keys' utility lxhotkey needs the openbox plugin to work:
~$ sudo apt install lxhotkey-plugin-openbox
3. All tooltips are empty, or the text is the same color as the background.
Other than that, it is just starting, running and shutting down really fast. Great job.
Thanks for the heads up, we'll take a look at it.
Update: About the tooltips, could you share some images, I can't find what you are referring too.
Thanks, here are two examples of empty tooltips.
NB: I installed kazam in order to be able to get screenshots, and the kazam window tooltips are readable. I now realize that the problem is limited to the desktop (all elements there have empty tooltips) and to some utilities like PCManFM and Image Viewer.
Thanks, I also tried both Trisquel and Trisquel mini installers.
> I noticed that the main menu looks really tiny, compared to the desktop icons.
> On a 10" eeepc screen, this somehow comes as an improvement, although possibly not for farsighted users.
Main menu is "Sans 8" and desktop icons look like "Sans 11". On a 14" screen, 1366x768 resolution, I'd set "Sans 10" at least.
Language suggestions for improvement (for both installers):
1. during installation, could the introduction text (not for interaction) be in the selected Language? (I selected French, I see English)
2. could the installer install the localization package of abrowser according to the selected language?
> 1. during installation, could the introduction text (not for interaction) be in the selected Language? (I selected French, I see English)
We need help on the localization, so far we only have,
- de
- es
- gl
- it
- sv
You might want to submit a translation.
Where can I get the text to translate and how to submit the translation?
The original texts and the translations are behind the link posted by Ark74, in the various html files:
Maybe the screenshots could be localized too.
By the way, I just noticed that this may need updating: "join our chat channel #trisquel at freenode" (in help.html).
oh! freenode :P
Time to update that.
> how to submit the translation? says:
"Due to spam issues we've had to disable automatic user registration. Please contact with a staff member through the contact form at the Trisquel GNU/Linux website so we can set-up your GitLab account."
Well yeah, spam accounts are a problem.
Please join at #trisquel-dev on or the devel mailing list to ask for an account.
I'll gladly do a Danish translation. But I don't know how to do it.
I think the "best" (if such term applies), would be to send a MR through GitLab.
If you don't have the git account/knowledge and you only want to do this task, the you can just download the files on the url previously refereed [1] & [2] and translate them, then attach them here in a zip file, see the examples on the l10n folder[2].
Users with gitlab account (like me) can take the further steps for it to reach the MR state.
I have sendt you the translations on e-mail. Good weekend.
Danish slides are now packaged and will reflect on the next iso.
This does put a welcome pressure on the French l10n efforts.
@avron: I'm on it.
Ok, I was planning to do it but is is a very busy time at work for me now.
No problem, I am in the exact opposite situation to yours.
EDIT: The html slides are ready to be sent as zip to anyone interested.
I just saw the message, please join at #trisquel-dev (again), you can PM me in case I'm not answering, and we can take it from there.
I'm thinking that maybe future l10n can be redirected to the trisquel-devel mailing list.
Also a wiki with details on further ubiquity-slideshow l10n.
French slides are now packaged, and will show on the next ISO.
I have now been able to test it on a different machine, and it seems that the smaller fonts are probably a feature of LXDE. I guess it should be possible for the user to modify the font size, although I am not sure how that is supposed to be done.
EDIT: it can be done in the Preferences > Customize Look and Feel utility. Setting the default font size to 10 made things more readable for my farsighted eyes.
I really like Trisquel default look.
It just seems to miss a specific icon for iso.files. Iso files have text file icon instead.
Could it be possible to fix it ?
Thanks for this great distribution.
Oh yes. Thanks for answering. But I wish there could be a more meaningful icon.
1) For some reason T10's menu bar at the bottom displays the tooltips in an invisible zone below the screen for the CPU temperature widget.
2) Screenshots of windows now include a transparent alpha channel border creating an unwanted increase in the image dimensions with no meaningful data when viewing them with gwenview, ristretto, viewnior or image magicks's display.
3) Screenshots in a T9 installation on another Lenovo system preserve menus that appear when hovering on a relevant item in abrowser. This is no longer the case with T10 on my asus.
Please when reporting visual issues, try to add some pictures to have some frame of reference, also it makes easier the to locate the issue.
Here are three screenshots outlining display issues.
1) Hovering tooltip cannot be screenshot at all in Trisquel 10 so I have an example of how it works in Trisquel 9 desktop from a taskbar applet. In Trisquel 10 it is for a CPU temparture applet where the tooltips appear BELOW, out of sight.
2) Side by side display of about abrowser using two instances of the same (can be any) viewer but screenshots without and with unwanted transparent border.
3) Display of screenshot able to capture hovering info from abrowser download menu in Trisquel 9. This is not possible in Trisquel 10.
Hopefully this might clarify what I wrote about in reference to unwanted alpha channel border.
Hello Martins,
Thank you for the images, I have some questions,
- Are you using trisquel 10 session from a LiveISO?
- In case you are running a T10 system, have you installed all the updates?
There might be some fixes regarding the Trisquel 10 theme that might been released after the latest 10 build on, I'm using the dark theme and I can't seem to be able to reproduce the issues.
I'll check with the light theme, but as I said, maybe a theme update is missing.
I'll report back when I can test both theories.
Hello Ark74,
I used the liveISO to verify that T10 would run on an asus system having T8 that always refused to install or upgrade to T9. When that failed I reinstalled T8 on it. (I am currently on a Lenovo system running T9 here)
I installed T10 on the asus without updates to a new partition but kept an existing partition shared by T8 for /home. Once done, both T8 and T10 could access the same /home partition.
T10 was updated before collecting and reporting issues mentioned here. I continue to use T8 there as the T10 disallows me to resume from suspend.
To Ark74: I have enclosed a screenshot of three screenshots done from bash in Trisquel 8, 9 and 10 respectively. Each screenshot was made using the same command:
mate-screenshot --window --include-border --border-effect=none
or in short: mate-screenshot -w -b --border-effect=none
Only in Trisquel 10.0 does --border-effect=shadow remain always active, regardless of bash, dconf-editor, or the interactive settings accessible with Shift+Prt_Screen keys.
To get rid of the unwanted shadow I used
mate-screenshot -w -B
however, it removes the needed bottom and left sides. Hmm..
To Martis:
I see what you mean now.
The only difference between T8, T9 and T10, is that T10 has a new theme, it adds support for dark theme. If you have noticed now all windows have a decorative shadow around, I'm guessing because of the new theme, and the reasons why there is an alpha channel around the window, now it seems like the screenshot is not grabbing the shadow correctly, but if you take any window on top of a white background you can see it very clear, leaving and empty border of alpha channel.
This seems to be a long time issue with new modern themes[1], I don't know the details on the new theme, but like anything else it should be customizable from the Appearance menu, so you can change the default to another one.
Thank-you Ark74.
First I tried another theme alongside the dark one.
With unchanged results I read your provided link of suggested workarounds and tested instead all screenshot related programs offered by default in the add/remove menu.
I chose to make two new keyboard shortcuts for two programs that interfaced easily and worked without adding the unwanted the shadow border:
Easiest to implement but it is interactive:
screengrab --active
More difficult to implement is spectacle as I could not define the date-time spec to add to the filename within the keyboard shortcut, hence the small script somewhere in the path.
I am not able to install the meta package trisquel-gnome because of unmet dependencies. this problem appears on the live system from 11-Jan-2022 and my installed 10.0 system. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade work fine instead.
Interesting, that package is outdated as trisquel moved to MATE.
There is no supported gnome flavor since the times of Trisquel 7 (Belenos) as it started to require 3D acceleration by default, if you want to use gnome as your desktop environment, I would suggest.
sudo apt install gnome
AFAIK, there won't be another flavor than the current ones for Trisquel 10, that is,
- Sugar
I wrote little after Trisquel 8 was released. If somebody wants to update it, (s)he is welcome.
Oh, i see. i only wanted to test it. Maybe trisquel-gnome will be removed in the future.
You might be right, there is a lot of stuff that require cleaning and catching up to a recent era.
I'll add research the subject to my ToDo list.
On the last dev meeting, it was mentioned that even when there won't exist an official gnome flavor, the trisquel-gnome meta package can be easily fixed for those who want to install it.
nabia has got the first update, allowing to use trisquel-gnome again, input is welcome.
good news! thanks again
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