Trisquel 10.0 RC feedback (3.0)

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Hello and a great 2022 for you all,

I'll like to thank again for all the previous feedback in the previous 2 posts.

In the last weeks we have been reviewing and fixing the reported issues so this is a Release Candidate, so new and updated feedback is welcome.

The new nabia isos set are dated 26-Jan-2022,

In case you still experience details with downloading iso images, again, you could make use of lftp,

sudo apt install lftp
lftp -c 'set net:idle 10
set net:max-retries 0
set net:reconnect-interval-base 3
set net:reconnect-interval-max 3
pget -n 10 -c ""'

Where triskel can be any version you want to try.

Thanks in advance for your attention and we have to release nabia very soon.


Joined: 10/03/2021

Thanks a lot we're waiting for it's release soon!


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Joined: 11/19/2019

Thank you for all the amazing work you guys are doing.

Is there any more danish translations needed? Like in the grub menu ect?


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Joined: 08/18/2020

I decided to try installing it on my desktop.

At first, I have
graphics initialization failed
error setting up gfxboot

I typed "help" and enter, then I saw some text that I could not fully read as Trisquel 10 started. A little strange but ok.

My desktop main disk has (no encryption used):

  • an ext2 partition holding /boot of Trisquel 9
  • an extended partition holding a logical volume group in which there is
    • a volume for swap
    • a volume for root of Trisquel 9
    • a volume for root of Debian 11
    • spare space

I created a 30 GB volume for root and a 150 GB volume for home.

I launched the installer, selected the volumes and, when asking to proceed with installation, had a message:
No EFI System Partition was found. The system will likely not be able to boot successfully and the installation may fail.
Please go back and install an EFI system partition.

Currently, I have Debian and Trisquel 9 in the boot menu. This was done automatically after I installed Trisquel 9 and then Debian. fdisk -l says:
$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
Disk /dev/sda: 931.51 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk model: CT1000MX500SSD1
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xd025b94d
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sda1 * 2048 1499135 1497088 731M 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 1501182 1953523711 1952022530 930.8G 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 1501184 1953523711 1952022528 930.8G 8e Linux LVM
Partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary.

Do I really need this EFI system partition?

If so, I am not sure what its size should be and how to create it without disturbing Trisquel 9, which uses /dev/sda2 as /boot. I also hope I can still boot Trisquel 9 and Debian after I installed Trisquel 10.

Magic Banana

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Do I really need this EFI system partition? If so, I am not sure what its size should be...

I received that same message months ago, when I tried to install Debian 11 on my current laptop. Looking at my partitions now, I apparently created a 536 MB (weird choice!) EFI partition... and 531 MB of them are free. That is why I guess you could create a smaller partition than I did (not that I really miss the free 531 MB: they are on a 120 GB SSD I only use for the system and the swap; /home is on a separate disk).

... and how to create it without disturbing Trisquel 9, which uses /dev/sda2 as /boot.

I would either try to do that from the installer ("Something else" type of installation or whatever it is called nowadays) or use GParted. I do not remember what I did, but certainly one or the other. Terminal programs (parted or fdisk or...) can certainly be used too.


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Joined: 08/18/2020

Thanks for the advice.

Mistake: /boot of Trisquel 9 is /dev/sda1, not /dev/sda2.

When I installed Debian 11 on this desktop, I was not asked for that. I think I used what is called "text mode installer" (some kind of curses display).

On partitioning, I was thinking to make a choice between:

  1. split the space of current /dev/sda1 in two, one piece for the EFI system partition another for /boot of Trisquel 9
  2. move /boot of Trisquel 9 to the root logical volume of Trisquel 9, or a new logical volume, and use the space it was using for the EFI system partition
  3. trash Trisquel 9, i.e. use the space of /dev/sda1 for EFI system partition

I was thinking about 2. or 3. in order to avoid renumbering of devices but then I looked at Trisquel 10 mini that I installed on an old laptop, it has
Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sda1 2048 4095 2048 1M BIOS boot
/dev/sda2 4096 1054719 1050624 513M EFI System
/dev/sda3 1054720 30351359 29296640 14G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda4 30351360 488396799 458045440 218.4G Linux filesystem

So perhaps this installer will even want to have a "BIOS boot" partition.

My current Debian system is my main computing system now, there are too many unknown things now, I won't try installing Trisquel 10 before I have a better understanding on how to do in order to avoid problems with my current system.


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Joined: 08/18/2020

I upgraded Trisquel 9 on my desktop successfully.

Nice thing: with Gajim 1.3.3 from Guix, the OMEMO shield icons are displayed correctly, unlike with Trisquel 9.
Very unpleasant thing: this morning, very quickly, the Mate session froze, same thing like I had with Trisquel 9.

So I'll go on using Debian on my desktop, and Trisquel on my laptops.


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Joined: 11/19/2019

Hello. I can see a build from yesterday with a FSF (trisquel_10.0-fsf_amd64.iso) variant. What does this mean?

Joined: 04/01/2021

It is probably related to this:


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Joined: 12/13/2017

Oh, is that what it is? Like Markmus, I had also wondered about the FSF thing, so I took the .manifest files of the "FSF" ISO and of the vanilla ISO and diffed them against each other, and if I remember correctly the "FSF" one lacked some packages for LibreOffice help (in many languages) that the vanilla version included. So I assumed it might have something to do with those files or their licenses, but now that I think about it, it would be out of character for the Trisquel project to handle any such problem by offering two flavours.

Joined: 04/01/2021

A small note about the battery monitor on Trisquel Mini: as mentioned in the previous feedback thread [1], the battery monitor must be added to the menu bar. Once that is done, the alarm needs the libnotify package to work:

sudo apt install libnotify-bin
