Trisquel 11 Needs A Name
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A codename for Trisquel 11 will be needed soon.
As part of the the tradition for the next release naming, please participate via forum or mailing list.
T11 will be based on the as-yet-unreleased Ubuntu 22.04 LTS "Jammy Jellyfish"
Here some rules to remember for names:
* Trisquel versions are named after Celtic gods.
* It should be a "searchable" name (that is, a name that doesn't have many results on search engines, so we can "take it over."
As previous releases put Trisquel on the top positions for search engines.
Like before out project leader will review suggestions and make a decision.
Let yourself be heard!
Note that proposed names should not have already been used for a previous release or be confusingly similar:
1.0: Arianrhod
2.0: Robur
3.0: Dwyn
3.5: Awen
4.0: Taranis
4.5: Slaine
5.0: Dagda
5.5: Brigantia
6.0: Toutatis
7.0: Belenos
8.0: Flidas
9.0: Etiona
10.0: Nabia
You might enjoy looking through previous naming threads for inspiration:
As well as Wikipedia's list of Celtic deities:
Bandua upsides:
- Water goddess (matching the Trisquel blue/aqua color scheme)
- Worshipped in Galicia (matching Trisquel's origin as a platform for the Galician language)
- Easy to spell and pronounce
Bandua downside:
- Is the name of an independent tabletop wargame miniature store.
That's a hobby I have and care about. Apparently even though actual tabletop battles with friends or in tournaments has suffered in the COVID era, the hobby's aspect of the buying of the miniatures has done very well (perhaps because assembling and painting the miniatures is something to do in lockdown, like model planes, ships in a bottle etc). Still I would hate to do anything to hurt such a company by disrupting its search results.
- Compounding that issue is that this Bandua company is actually based in Galicia!
Maybe our "takeover" of the name might actually help them, help steer some extra traffic their way instead of hurting them, but it's something to be aware of.
ULPIA, as the ancient Roman family with origins in "Hispania".
"The Ulpii were from Umbria."
"Members of this family were colonists of Italica in Roman Spain"
Celtic deity...go figure.
Lugus, the three-faced deity, closely related to Lugo and Lugones.
After deeper inquiry, it appears the Wikipedia writers probably just phantasized about Lugus, for unknown reasons. This does not mention anything embarrassing about Lugh/Lugus/Lugos, the "master of skills":
What about Midir, son of the 5.0 Dagda, "fair at all times"?
That sounds like a good pick.
I suggest Araco
I suggest name : trisquel 11.0 nepesh
Durius or Luxovius.
Both are Celtic water gods, with no real search issues.
Meh, on second thought, maybe those Durius and Luxovius are too Latinized, not immediately obvious as Celtic?
The Celtic forms seem to have been "Durio" and "Luxovios".
But they both bring tons of results.
Ebhlinne ♀
Location – Ireland
Rules Over – Fire magic
Description – Goddess of Munster who was until recent times honored at the Midsummer Sabbat in her mountain home in County Tipperary.
Since Trisquel 11 will be based on a sea creature project name, I suggest we name the codename be Nodens. He is a Celtic god related to the sea, hunting, and wealth
rxs said: "Since Trisquel 11 will be based on a sea creature project name [...]"
I apologize here; I think this mis-impression on your part is probably my fault. As far as I am aware, there is no actual requirement from the project that the Celtic deity involved have a specific association with water or bodies of water like oceans, seas, rivers, lakes etc.
Instead the rule related to that is as follows, quoting ark74:
"* Trisquel versions are named after Celtic gods."
So any Celtic deity will fit this rule - it can be a god of water, fire, war, peace, life, death, anything.
When I suggested Nabia, and when I've commented on the Trisquel 11 name, I've mentioned water, but I was only presenting that on my own initiative as a bonus, an optional extra factor, rather than fulfilling an official requirement. The reason I thought of and mentioned water as relevant was simply color - the blue/aqua color scheme Trisquel's logo (and sometimes its desktop background) has.
And by the way, the same thing applies to Galicia. When I mention a Galician connection, that's, again, purely a bonus, an extra, that I have mentioned given Trisquel's origins as software supporting the Galician language. But there's no actual requirement for a Galician connection - merely a Celtic one. And of course the Celts were widespread beyond Galicia, across Europe and into Anatolia:
I was under the impression that rxs was referring to the sea creature named "jellyfish" and mentioned in the OP:
> T11 will be based on the as-yet-unreleased Ubuntu 22.04 LTS "Jammy Jellyfish"
Here is my some suggestions and advice would be appreciate.
as I observed and my some friends suggested me...:)
I see Trisquel Name is based on their beleive and their Celtic gods which is their Faith and believe but as Muslims in Islam it's forbidden to use any product which comes with other Religions God Name it's just for knowledge base.
My Friend is very keen of open source distro and like Free Software Movement (FSF) and using from Years Trisquel now understanding their name terminolgy he moved to using Ubuntu just because of Trisquel Name.
Well I am using this because of Open Source Free in Speech and like their contributions and work...
What I will suggest & advice here as a Muslim that use name which is outside the name of our Faith so all Religion of People can use that Product without concerned and worrying .....
Because first Priority is what our Religion teaches use afterwards our Privacy....:D
Hope Someone here will guide me if I am wrong or misunderstood.
Your Sincerely....
Trisquel Name is based on their beleive
I very much doubt Trisquel developers (or anybody actually) believe in Celtic gods. It is just a distinctive naming schema. Do you refuse to wear Nike shoes because they are named after the Greek goddess who personifies victory? The brand was not chosen based on its funders beliefs in antic gods either:
I have my understanding and know what is right...
But the thing was that using name of Religious Personalities in any product whatever Nike or whatever but some people avoid to use really if you research on internet and see the taught of Muslims for Nike also...
it was just suggestion that belief is our other side and product should be excluded from that names so all types of people use that product without concerning with peacefully....
Hope my words are now understandable more :)
I have my understanding and know what is right...
But the thing was that using name of Religious Personalities in any product whatever Nike or whatever but some people avoid to use really if you research on internet and see the taught of Muslims for Nike also...
Searching "Nike Muslim" on DuckDuckGo mainly returns results on the Nike Pro Hijab (not that I suggest that Nike is particularly concerned about the well-being of Muslim athletes: Nike just wants to make money). I see no result on the first page about Muslims rejecting Nike based on its name.
In my humble opinion, rejecting Trisquel because it names its versions after antic gods makes no sense, but, I repeat, you are obviously entitled to your own criteria to choose your GNU/Linux distribution (or your sportswear or whatever).
but using these distributions is permissible in Islam and other Religions as soon as they do not force us to do anything impermissible.
Example 1: if we go to Christian School where teachers taught student the subject of their God but we attend our classes and our beleive are different so that doesn't matter.
Likewise if we use distro and our Faith and Beleive isn't in celtic gods so that is same and we are not doing any harm.
but this point every Muslim and every person can't understand easily and everyone has their own intellect.
so I prefer to avoid using names of these type on products so all peoples can use without thinking and wasting time on these.
are you understanding my point of view.
otherwise why I was using this distro from a Year I am not much concerned I take this thing lightly but my fellows still using UBUNTU just because this slight mistake of dev of Trisquel.
I searched for "can muslims wear nike?" and found plenty of results suggesting that wearing Nike should be avoided by Muslims. The fact that there is a Nike Pro Hijab suggests that whether or not it's permissible may depend on sect or level of commitment to the religion. Suggesting that someone's beliefs are incorrect because you did a DuckDuckGo search and couldn't find any evidence to support it is a bit disingenuous.
I think that SabirSaleem90 has a reasonable point, and maybe instead of ridiculing a person's beliefs and saying that they make no sense, time could be better spent considering changing the naming convention. I'm not a proponent of excessive political correctness, but here's someone from our (relatively small) community who is uncomfortable with the naming scheme, maybe we could be a bit more inclusive instead of dismissive?
You say that you doubt that anybody believes in Celtic gods, but this thread is full of names and the meaning of them. It's rarely "this name sounds cool, let's use it", it's quite often "this is a name, and this is what it means". So you may not believe in the gods, but most still believe that *the names have meaning*.
I personally have no problem with using the names of gods, but I also do my best to respect other's religious beliefs, and I wonder if it's really so important to maintain the naming convention?
A God of the Celtic pre-Roman tribe of the Astures of the northern Principality of Asturias in northern Spain, for many reasons considered to belong to the group of Celtic countries.
Aramo, Protector of crossroads, the mountain and the sierra bear his name.
I think the name would be very easy to remember and to yield search results in combination with Trisquel.
By the way, my user name "Creignor" means "Wizard" in Welsh.
but using these distributions is permissible in Islam and other Religions as soon as they do not force us to do anything impermissible.
Example 1: if we go to Christian School where teachers taught student the subject of their God but we attend our classes and our beleive are different so that doesn't matter.
Likewise if we use distro and our Faith and Beleive isn't in celtic gods so that is same and we are not doing any harm.
but this point every Muslim and every person can't understand easily and everyone has their own intellect.
so I prefer to avoid using names of these type on products so all peoples can use without thinking and wasting time on these.
are you understanding my point of view.
otherwise why I was using this distro from a Year I am not much concerned I take this thing lightly but my fellows still using UBUNTU just because this slight mistake of dev of Trisquel.
> are you understanding my point of view.
Not at all.
Which Celtic deity are you suggesting as codename for Trisquel 11?
See this screenshot asking the version name based on celtic gods and Trisquel 10 we are using is based on celtic gods "10.0: Nabia" codename....
Anyways I wrote all suggestions and clarified the issue intellectual person can think and understand what I meant to say....
But this is not something to avoid using distro due to codename but this thing affect some users to avoid like my some fellows.
so other peoples may also do that.
so best solution for team for not wasting their users that avoid this thing also... not a big deal...

Hello to all!
I'd like to inform you the name chosen for Trisquel 11.0, as you can see it here:
Thanks to Creignor for the recommendation.
Cheers! \o/
Long life Trisquel 11 Aramo!
logn life to the ancient gods!
I now realize this should have read "long live" and not "long life".
Althoug "long-life" is somehow not totally irrelevant to a stable distro.
He is a old Turkic god of wisdom and abundance, also it sounds cool trisquel:mergen
Trisquel 11.0 DoNotComply ?
Trisquel 11.0 FaceNappy ?
Trisquel 11.0 AdverseEvent ?
Trisquel 11.0 MassPsychosis ?
Trisquel 11.0 BehaviouralNudge ?
Trisquel 11.0 OneWorldGovernmentID ?
Trisquel 11.0 TruckOffTrudeau ?
Sorry, its all I think about...
due to it's naming issue of version I switched to debian but really very frustrating :(
this is a trisquel user forum.
Have you looked into Uruk? It's named after a city.
Looked at their website, but don't understand how to download it.
It's not listed with the fully free GNU/Linux distros, though, not sure why that is.
*please delete this comment
do you mean by me ??
i prefer names of places like aramo anyway trisquel is the name of the symbol used by sorcery so, as is used as a trivial thing just for referece of the origin of a spain distro, i can recognice it, but if was my decision probably i change the name, not just for the last thing, maybe a new name more relation with freedom can be better that something from outside the objetive of a free distro.
"maybe a new name more relation with freedom can be better that something from outside the objetive of a free distro."
That what we are saying like UBUNTU
The Full Form of UBUNTU is from the Zulu word (ùɓúntú) that translates as “humanity towards others”
For only naming point of view not for supporting non free repo.
celtic gods I know it is their own Faith but every person is independent and anything other Religion Forbids so it is really a big concerned so many users moved towards other os who respect freedom and name both are in the category of freedom.
ARAMO nice
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