Trisquel 12 Needs A Name pt.2
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With 2024 already starting, it's a good time to continue thinking on a name for the next version T12, so we'll continue from what the initial post got.
Rules for names:
* Trisquel versions are named after Celtic gods.
* It should be a "searchable" name. That is, a name that doesn't have many results on search engines, so we can "take it over." For example: Searching for Etiona has Trisquel in the top results.
To avoid confusion it should also not re-use a name that's been used before or that might be confusingly similar. Past names are:
1.0 Arianrhod || 2.0 Robur || 3.0 Dwyn || 3.5 Awen || 4.0 Taranis || 4.5 Slaine || 5.0 Dagda
5.5 Brigantia || 6.0 Toutatis || 7.0 Belenos || 8.0 Flidas || 9.0 Etiona || 10.0 Nabia || 11.0 Aramo
From the last thread we can sum up:
- Matunos; associated/being god Mercury/bears
- 4 | PublicLewdness, prospero, Sunny Day, Lugodunos
- Borvo; associated/being god of healing springs
- 3 | prospero, bpo, Lugodunos
- Maponos; associated/being god of youth
- 3 | prospero, mangeur de nuage, Lugodunos
- Souolibrogenos; associated/being god of libre beer
- 1 | andyprough
- Thirona; associated/being god of healing springs
- 1 | prospero
- Bergusia; associated/being goddess of prosperity
- 1 | Athozus
- Ecne; associated/being god of wisdom
- 1 | Athozus
- Nauda; not actually a god
- 2 | alphul9, Sunny Day
If your proposal is missing, add it up or vote on previous ones, or maybe you want to comment on the name, origin.
Please mention the name and a +1 sign to show your vote, so it's easier to track.
I suppose we can finish the name selection by the last week of February 2024.
As mentioned before, our fearless leader Rubén will review suggestions and make a decision in due time.
Have fun!
I have a new suggestion: Lugh
"Some have interpreted Balor as symbolizing a solar deity of the old year, struggling with the solar god of the new year,[43] namely Lugh."[1]
"Lugh - also attested as Lugus in Archaic Irish[51]"[2]
My explanation is, that we started a new year some weeks ago and I was searching for a god similar to Baldur from the norse mythology. So Lugus is fighting against Balor, the god of the old year, so Lugus also stands for the future that is coming - very promising!
It is no problem to interpret the new solar year as the next year. At the end of the old year til the begin of of the new year there is the yule, where everyone is just happy, and enjoying the celebration. So there are no wars and nothing bad happens in this time. The real actions are just starting when it is becoming warmer in the countries.
I think we should give names that mean something related to what trisquel wants to convey to its users. Not names of false gods.
That was my goal with Bergusia and Ecne, which can be interpreted as a celebration of 20 years of Trisquel ;)
Sucellus: era o mais importante no panteão celta. Considerado o rei dos deuses, representava a fertilidade, a agricultura e as florestas. Era representado portando um martelo.
Sucellus: fue el más importante del panteón celta. Considerado el rey de los dioses, representaba la fertilidad, la agricultura y los bosques. Fue representado portando un martillo.
I vote for Ecne
It is short, simple and because using free/libre software is a wise decision :)
Condatis, associated with the confluences of rivers.
I have discovered that Condatis has many results about this:
"Condatis is a Microsoft Gold Partner specialising in External Identity and Access Management (IAM), integrating Azure B2C into new and existing technology"
So I withdraw my suggestion and I will vote for another name.
Abandinus = Defender of springs and streams.
Abandinus +1
I vote for Maponos.
Hello people, I want to make a clarification from the main post.
Use this format to vote:
"I vote for $name"
"$name +1"
I might have confused people to use the "- 0 +" score system please don't, sorry about that.
Thank you for participating :)
I vote for Quetzalcóatl, the blob eater, who created all Celtic deities and wrote the Linux-libre scripts.
Quetzalcóatl +1000.

That's pretty good, and frankly a bit shocking, but libre beer is clearly better. Nice try.
Souolibrogenos +1,000,000,000,000,000.
Souolibrogenos +1
I vote for Borvo because it is short and starts with 'B' that comes after Aramo's 'A'. Good inspiration for a logo exists:
My second favorite is Ecne because it is short. But if we can find names starting with C and D, I'd reserve Ecne for Trisquel 15.
I vote for $Nimue+1 ...The Lady of the Lake:
I will put another vote towards Ecne.
Associated with a god of wisdom. If wisdom is the knowledge/intuition of knowing what one can do and what one should do - one could say that Triquel and the ideal behind it is very wise.
Hello everyone, so let's call this one closed.
Thank you for everyone who participated.
Soon will be known the 12.0 release name.
Trisquel GNU/Linux 12.0 codename has been choosen, and it will be:
Celtic god of wisdom, or knowledge.
Make all the bells ring!!
I vote for "Thirona".
It sounds nice and a little mistical and probably easy to remeber.
Oops, looks like I arrived a little late.
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