Trisquel project goals and finances
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I'm fairly new to Trisquel, and am considering getting more involved, but have some questions about the project.
I've seen that there's a goal to have the funds to allow the core developer/s to be employed fulltime on Trisquel.
Currently there are ~100 associate members. I don't know what the average monthly membership donation is, but assuming €10, that's €1000 per month. That's quite a good income, although nowhere near enough to hire skilled developers fulltime.
So, some questions:
1) What is the monthly income currently spent on? The donate page mentions "development and web servers". What is the current breakdown? How are the decisions on what to spend made?
2) What is the target monthly income in order to hire developer/s fulltime? Having a clear goal and target makes achieving it more viable. So if it's, say, 1000 members, it can be a goal for the project to work towards, just as the 100 members was.
sure, need to update
Does canonical hire full time developers? We are benifitting from them as trisquel is based on ubuntu, but does not contain any of the spyware whatever
A full time developer would probabaly cost at least 30k/year.
In essence, my question is, what's the vision for Trisquel? At the moment the project is ticking along at a certain level. Ubuntu has a clear vision, and Mark Shuttleworth has basically funded it out of his own pocket for all this time. Ubuntu is driven by him and his company, with Canonical hiring developers. Debian also has its own vision, not driven by any one company, and is largely driven by volunteers. Both support free software to various degrees, but don't strictly adhere to the FSF's criteria, which is the reason for Trisquel's existence.
But I am interested in hearing from the project leaders about their vision. Given sufficient resources, what would Trisquel be? If they worked fulltime on Trisquel, what would they want to achieve? If sufficient volunteers were involved, what would they be working on?
There is nothing wrong with using Debian; as long as you do not enable the non-free repo.
Is Trisquel benifitting from Mark Shuttleworth spending money on developers?
Hi guys, you can problably get more info here.
the objective of 100 members might be out of date now.
Looking back further in the forums, there are some interesting past discussions as well as pages on the wiki:
In particular, comments by quidam, the main developer
Hope you can get hooked up with guidam et al. As you've noticed by now, Trisquel needs more people.
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