
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum Topicgoogle analytics everywhere a_slacker_here139 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicThe Need for Free and Open HardDrive firmware G4JC99 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicAn annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums. pogiako12345189 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicPurism computer (possibly as free as FSF encourage) shokin179 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum Topicoccupygpl.org wants to make copyleft licenses go away t3g379 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum Topic Youtube Ditches Flash, and it Hardly Matters: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss SuperTramp83209 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicEric S. Raymond Calls LLVM The "Superior Compiler" To GCC and defending GCC is futile t3g169 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicTweaks to optimize user friendliness buildcomplete459 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicRMS:There's "A Systematic Effort To Attack GNU Packages": t3g139 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicMy family has smart TVs and I am scared. YoHooComics489 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum Topicadvice moving to free software katiebaileypoms269 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicUsing proprietary softwares through wine QuestionsQuesti...219 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicFreedoom is awesome a_slacker_here139 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicMicrosoft invests in Cyanogen to "take Android away from Google" t3g169 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicFree games with copyrighted characters Jeremiah Asbury189 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicOn hiding the down-voted posts... and everything below Magic Banana289 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum Topicall-in-one computer options cmhobbs129 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum TopicCanonical? YoHooComics519 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum TopicgNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable! anonymous269 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum Topicis the openmoko freerunner phone libre??? tomlukeywood179 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicStallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation. lap4fsf319 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicTesting web pages in different browsers lydell99 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicHappy fucking new year!!!!!! pogiako1234569 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicWireless N USB Adapter (TPE-N150USB) Theseus109 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicBest gpu that works with free software? tomlukeywood229 anni 41 settimane fa