How do I add articles and blog posts to Trisquel blog?

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Joined: 05/27/2013

There are many good Trisquel articles and reviews gathered during 2013, but we cannot find a way to share them to the Trisquel blog.

Also, where should desktop wallpapers be shared?
Thanks and Happy New Year!

Joined: 08/22/2013

I'm kinda new on Trisquel comunity (not the OS)... What's that Trisquel blog you're talking about??

About the wallpapers----
1- Most wallpapers are privative, propiertary, non-free software. So that, the wallpapers must have some kind of license.
2- Unfortunately, the "art" for Trisquel is pretty dead (as I know). Trisquel is dealing with other basics issues, what makes that kind of thing not to be pointed as an important stuff .
3- Wallpapers,log-on screens, videos, etc. would make a lot of users to come to Trisquel. That would be awesome. Anyways, I think there are not sufficient developers/helpers to afront that right now.

about the Trisquel logo:

Here you can find dead thread about art and Trisquel: There you can find a clarifying information about this topic.

Finally, here's some art made for Trisquel:

Joined: 04/22/2013

"1- Most wallpapers are privative, propiertary, non-free software. So that, the wallpapers must have some kind of license."

Wallpapers aren't software in most cases. It's non-functional data - information stored on your computer without being executable and hence not the same problem as proprietary software.

Joined: 08/22/2013

I have to disagree. Wallpapers are software (for me). Something executable would make it a program and program is not a synonym of software (again for me). Not all software is a program but every program is software.

This eternal fight between hardware, software and program definition and aceptation of it can be found on this post: There you can find magic banana arguments and his (and mine) state of "enter in an useless definition fight". Plus , you can add your arguments there too. :)

BTW, due to this ambiguous and ambiguity wallpapers and others are treated under another kinda license. As magic banana pointed there what's (legally) important (as in this case) is legislation. The problem is that legislation is just for a country and linux or even the "future wallpaper sharing" by islander are worldwide.

Joined: 05/30/2012

I have never thought of simple data as being "software". I don't know if that's historically true from an etymological point of view, but that really doesn't matter.

My perception is and has always been that "software" is special data that takes part in making computers actually work, i.e. programs.

Joined: 04/07/2011

i agree. software != files. RMS certainly makes this distinction, re: game (software/program) and the files (art).

Joined: 08/22/2013

I entirely agree with you. The "hole" I found on data to treat it as software you can understand it in the following example.
Eg: You login in Trisquel and enter Gnome. There's a wallpaper as part of that (your) desktop. If it were not there, the OS is not working appropriately. And, at least, from a user point of view the software is not working.

But all this is out of topic. That's why a pointed the other link.

ps: I remark point of view because the definitions varies on that. In this case, what matters is legislation but there's another problem with it. Legislation counts just for that country.

ps2: this reply was for onpon4 (my bad) (I mean the "I entirely agree with you" means "I entirely agree with you Onpon4").

Joined: 05/27/2013

The Trisquel Blog is the first actual text body on the Home page, and is located below the three different banner headers. The last article was submitted March, 2013. Directly below that, and still on the left side, is the Planet feed (it is blank on my screen) that should logically pull articles and reviews such as these:

Yes, that art4trisquel blog is where I first saw this Chrome wallpaper (, but the Prisoner #6 ( and Space ( wallpapers are great too. There should be a dedicated page, maybe a Tier 2 or Tier 3 within the website infrastructure, that gathers and shares these works. Just a suggestion, but art contests seem to help boost interest in most online communities.

As to the off-topic comments below that offer no answer... why were they posted? The admin has answered my questions by not responding here, or answering any emails. No answer is an obvious answer in the world of business. Thank you for your help!

P.S. On the logo - That has been used for thousands of years around the world. I don't believe old knowledge and drawings can be registered, licensed, or patented by sane humans. If so, I could patent a childish drawing of the sun and charge others $$ for using it. HaHa

Joined: 08/22/2013

I'm reallly glad I helped you in some way.

Thanks to you, now I know that Trisquel blog it's not part of a news but a section.
As far as I know you can't post there. Webmaster, Rubén, etc are the ones that can do that. Nevertheless, if you post something on the forum recently and it has replies it will appear at the Trisquel home page on the side of Trisquel blog section.
As a way to blog important information, you can use the wiki and write down the content of those link you offer above.

Admin, as a forum moderator, I don't think exists. Emailing or contacting thru the page doesn't look to work to much to get to the leader people like RUben (they simple are full time developing and have no time to help us on "smaller" things). You should try contacting them on IRC.

About your ps: the logo is a kinda "trademark", an image that represent a comunity, enterprise, etc. so that's why it can have a license. Moreover, that logo has a "look": it's x tone of blue, rotating x grades, etc. The abstraction of a trisquel cannot be licensed (but I can be wrong).

In reference to the off topic comments---
a) I made it clear what magic banana (and I agreed to it and explain why) wrote that could be an endless figth. In spite of knwing that they go on posting that.
b) I used the word "software". In the other post of fonts if you follow the link given by someone (I think magic banana) it says that "font-exception" as a software exception treatment but part of it. That's the way I understood that, maybe I get it wrong.
c) I never posted my definition. Also, I agreed with someone but no one of them said that "that one" was wrong but me (???). Why the agreeing guy is wrong but the statement agreed to and the guy who posted and defined that is not???
d) I invited them to post to another post,which I think was a philosophical question (maybe I was wrong and it was not a philosophical one) but they didn't stop posting it here.
e) Yes. It looks as there's a goal to deceive users to non-answering answers and users who actually answer to loose their time replying to that.
f) Is difficult to deal with such an anally retentive users (no offense, just a description of my perception).

For the wallpapers and other stuff, I think it would be great to do those "sexy" wallpapers with girls like those of "I don't do windows" (which made me enter into the world of cleaning ;)) or "Linux never looked this good". That would atract users/wangers to Trisquel (lol).

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

David administrates the forums:

If you agree that the mere definition of "software" is not worth endless (and pointless) discussions, you had better stop discussing it...

What you call "sexy wallpapers" are "sexist wallpapers" too. The few male one you would find are obviously made for the gay users. I would prefer not to use a distribution that looks "men only". Women should feel welcome.

Joined: 08/22/2013

I was persecuted by some users. And they persecuted me to another thread (this one).
I had to defend myself of such difamatorious comments that put words in my posts that I didn't.

Joined: 08/22/2013

On the sexy/ist wallpapers it's as you say but also:
To make a sexy wallpaper to advertize Trisquel differs from making a sexy wallpaper for masturbation. Obviously the wallpaper won't get a title like "we made this but don't think as a sexist wallpaper". So it would be up the viewers mind if that wallpaper is sexy or sexist. And that's also why you say that a sexy wallpaper is necesary sexist, I just claim that's not the idea or concept of but it's its result "depent" on viewers mind.

This is almost off topic too. Maybe someone should open a thread to know argument on this issue.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Are you sure he is a moderator? in this comment he looks like he ddoesn't want it or something. How is he about it now?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

He writes:
As probably the closest to a 'moderator' in this forum, ...

In the past, he did remove spam messages and move some threads to the "Troll Hole". So he definitely has some administrative powers.

In the message you link to, he explains his "personal stance" at moderation. The message is recent (2.5 week old). I would assume nothing has changed since then.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Another link with "contact list" (scroll down to "art" section):

Alternatively, you can try found someone on the IRC channel for help or something else.

Joined: 08/22/2013

About the blog: if your reference to the blog is about

check this two posts:

Here is where trisquel has moved now:

Joined: 04/22/2013

I posted this in the wrong thread, so here again:

Of course you are free to choose the meaning of the word "software" on your own, but there arises a serious problem:
In this community, people refer to - what you call - proprietary programs whenever they hear "proprietary software".
So we're talking about different things.
If we take your definition then some proprietary software might be considered as acceptable, for instance wallpapers.
This is not true for the community's (and fsf/gnu's) definition, since they refer to prop. programs.
So maybe it is sensible to use the most common meaning.

Joined: 08/22/2013