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Project Summary Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Trisquel mini lxdm-binary load 100% cpu closed critical bug reports 7.0 6 10 years 15 weeks 11 years 35 weeks
Trisquel Framebuffer drivers blacklisted twice active normal bug reports 7.0 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 16 weeks
Trisquel 100% CPU load slowing down GIMP active critical bug reports 7.0 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 16 weeks
Web Link to issues in "How to help the project" page active normal bug reports 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 17 weeks
Trisquel Some packages cannot be installed after upgrade to Trisquel 7 wrong normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 17 weeks
Trisquel Unable to boot the live system media in EFI mode needs more info critical bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel apt-get update suggests leaking memory duplicate critical bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 18 weeks
Trisquel No monospace font when language set to Chinese active normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 18 weeks
Trisquel fonts-okolaks missing fonts wrong normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 17 weeks
Trisquel Disable Gecko Media Plugins in Abrowser closed critical bug reports 6.0 4 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Web Non-free javascript in Trisquel's website, accused by LibreJS active normal support requests 5 10 years 18 weeks 11 years 45 weeks
Trisquel Outdated Wine packages in repository that could make Trisquel vulnerable wrong minor bug reports 6.0 9 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel Can not remove package trisquel-desktop-common-data patch (ready) critical bug reports 7.0 6 10 years 18 weeks 12 years 4 weeks
Trisquel librejs whitelisting page doesn't work properly active normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 18 weeks dobie_gillis 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel Missing input sources indicator active normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Liferea doesn't start closed normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Web Requirement to complete CAPTCHA prevents users with visual disabilities from registering and filing issues needs more info normal bug reports 6 10 years 18 weeks david 12 years 3 weeks
Trisquel mini In Trisquel_Mini_7.iso is missing: policykit-1-gnome active normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 18 weeks Gnu 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel HP LaserJet Pro 1102 active normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel remove 'rubygems' and 'rubygems-doc' to comply with Ubuntu 14.04 active critical bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 24 weeks
Trisquel No Security Updates closed critical bug reports 7.0 8 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 28 weeks
Trisquel Help packages are installed in many languages and take a lot of space active minor feature requests 7.0 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel No splash on EFI boot, no Trisquel theme on GRUB menu active normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Installation fails in EFI mode due to missing grub-efi-amd64-signed closed critical bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Please allow/add packages derived from source package mjpegtools into the repo closed normal bug reports 7.0 8 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel Bash security bug closed critical bug reports 7.0 8 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Gimp quits unexpectedly when using the text editor. closed normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 30 weeks
Trisquel 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS' string and 'Ubuntu GNOME' logo in details section closed normal bug reports 7.0 6 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 24 weeks
Trisquel trisquel-recommended depends on icecat, which isn't available closed critical bug reports 7.0 4 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 28 weeks
Trisquel Bad rabbitvcs-nautilus extension closed normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 20 weeks 11 years 23 weeks
Trisquel trisquel 6.0 GNU/linux has proposed to install the nonfree codec closed normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 20 weeks antropiy 11 years 39 weeks
Trisquel [GFSD Issue] Hedgewars "tip" contains free software "language problems" and discusses use use of non-free software closed blocking bug reports 7.0 16 10 years 20 weeks 12 years 37 weeks
Trisquel Inconsistent default sound effect active normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel Cannot install libcairo2-dev active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Web Can't access website through Tor closed normal bug reports 2 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Web Regarding inclusion of Indian currency (₹) among the 'currency' option in 'Donate' page. active normal feature requests 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel Trisquel Live asks for login and password active critical support requests 6.0 9 10 years 20 weeks 13 years 13 weeks
Trisquel mini Clicking on Edit Menu when two Midori windows are open causes SIGSEGV active normal bug reports 7.0 5 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 25 weeks
Trisquel mini Network Manager forgets manual IPv4 settings active normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 24 weeks
Trisquel mini Can't shutdown as normal user active normal bug reports 7.0 4 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 34 weeks
Trisquel is it possible to re-install just network-manager from orig Trisquel CD needs more info normal support requests 6.0 11 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel Add-ons encouraging non-free audio formats and iTune store URLs detected in Abrowser wrong critical bug reports 6.0 8 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel evolution-data-server-goa cannot be installed active normal bug reports 7.0 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel [GFSD] Totem contains an exception to allow the use of proprietary GStreamer plugins, violating GSFD guidelines. needs more info normal bug reports 6.0 5 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel Disable Abrowser opening a Trisquel tab after update active minor bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 21 weeks 11 years 32 weeks
Trisquel login home folder decryption cryptsetup active normal bug reports 7.0 10 years 21 weeks nevermoreraven 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel No provision to upload the user's profile photo from User Settings in Trisquel 6.0.1 active normal feature requests 6.0 1 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel Update Manager non-responsive after selecting a security update closed minor bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel update-initramfs reports: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays. wrong normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 30 weeks
Trisquel Trisquel 7 Beta Issues - 31 Aug 2014 ISO needs more info normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 26 weeks