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Project Summary Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Trisquel Package unrar-free makes factually incorrect claim in its description duplicate minor bug reports 7.0 4 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 13 weeks
Trisquel mini After installing as English(UK) Trisquel Mini's console keyboard is not configured correctly closed normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 13 weeks
Trisquel Insufficient permissions on Mini environment duplicate normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 10 weeks
Trisquel Blank screen / screen corruption during netinst needs more info normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 10 weeks
Trisquel Website not rendering correctly in Abrowser 32.0.3 and no provision to Add/Remove photo in User Accounts active normal support requests 6.0 2 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 10 weeks
Trisquel mini Install via USB not working closed normal bug reports 6.0 9 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel Webkitgtk included non-free icons. active critical bug reports 7.0 4 10 years 10 weeks upstream 10 years 11 weeks
Trisquel gedit sometimes makes the cursor disappear active normal bug reports 7.0 5 10 years 10 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel ghostscript included unknown/non-free files. active critical bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 11 weeks 10 years 11 weeks
Trisquel mini Midori doesn't play video by default, missing plugin closed normal support requests 6.0 3 10 years 11 weeks 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel trisquel grub makes the system unbootable active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 11 weeks 10 years 11 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser 31 is not available for 64-bit wrong normal bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 12 weeks 10 years 17 weeks
Trisquel restart with external drive active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 12 weeks Tonics 10 years 12 weeks
Trisquel Gnome 3.12.2 - Gnome-tweak-tool and Startup Applications active minor bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 13 weeks 10 years 15 weeks
Trisquel glitches in the Trisquel theme closed normal bug reports 7.0 14 10 years 14 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel Network manger openvpn closed normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 14 weeks 10 years 18 weeks
Trisquel Trisquel 7.0: "gnome-shell" can't be installed - depends on virtual package "gir1.2-gdm-1.0". closed normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 14 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel Cannot record using GNOME Sound Recorder closed normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 14 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Trisquel Application-specific Orca settings not working in Orca. closed critical bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 14 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Web Default avatar collection is not losslessly compressed active minor bug reports 10 years 15 weeks 10 years 15 weeks
Trisquel Package "menu" is unavailable closed normal bug reports 7.0 5 10 years 15 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Aún se puede Ingresar como root sin ninguna contraseña active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 16 weeks
Trisquel Package freeguide looks for help file in wrong place active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 16 weeks
Trisquel Package freeguide mentions proprietary browsers active critical bug reports 6.0 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 16 weeks
Trisquel VLC audio stops when skipping backwards or forwards can't reproduce normal bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 16 weeks 10 years 17 weeks
Web Cannot access a user page active normal bug reports 1 10 years 16 weeks 12 years 42 weeks
Trisquel Add/Remove Programs won't remove a program closed normal bug reports 7.0 3 10 years 17 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel APT vulnerability from over a month ago still not fixed in Belenos closed critical bug reports 7.0 2 10 years 18 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Web Microblog link is broken active normal bug reports 2 10 years 18 weeks 11 years 20 weeks
Trisquel mini Autologin Option During Install Doesn't Work active minor bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 18 weeks 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel xscreensaves included non-free screensavers. active critical bug reports 7.0 4 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Backport file-roller to support rar active normal feature requests 6.0 1 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Rebrand kubuntu-settings active normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 19 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel Breadcrump theme needs more info normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 21 weeks
Trisquel usb-creator-gtk and Trisquel NetInstall wrong normal bug reports 7.0 1 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel rhymthmbox notifications appear as warning popups can't reproduce normal feature requests 7.0 2 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel New linux-{headers,image,tools}-3.13.0-32 packages are virtual ones... needs more info normal bug reports 6.0 14 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 40 weeks
Trisquel Several issues with kubuntu-docs active critical bug reports 7.0 10 years 20 weeks 10 years 20 weeks
Trisquel Handbrake package contains nonfree FAAC encoder closed critical bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 24 weeks
Web Allow filing bugs against Trisquel 7 closed normal feature requests 2 10 years 21 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Trisquel Can't install any package using KDE's software management tool closed normal bug reports 6.0 3 10 years 21 weeks 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel aBrowser usability or rendering issues needs more info normal bug reports 6.0 5 10 years 22 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Trisquel OEM Installer (User part) show Ubuntu name and Logo active critical bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 22 weeks 10 years 43 weeks
Trisquel Gnome and Ubuntu packages appear when installing some themes patch (ready) critical bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 22 weeks 10 years 41 weeks
Trisquel unknown-horizons - broken dependency active normal bug reports 6.0 5 10 years 22 weeks upstream 13 years 11 weeks
Trisquel automatic window resizing active normal feature requests 7.0 10 years 22 weeks 10 years 22 weeks
Trisquel language support Inaccessibility active normal bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 22 weeks 10 years 25 weeks
Trisquel Orca occasionally goes silent when wizard page changes. active minor bug reports 7.0 10 years 23 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Trisquel Gedit no longer accessible with Orca screen reader active critical bug reports 7.0 10 years 23 weeks 10 years 23 weeks
Trisquel Synaptic no longer accessible with Orca screen reader. active normal bug reports 7.0 10 years 23 weeks 10 years 23 weeks