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Project Summary Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Trisquel Distribution codename in /etc/lsb-release is captalized, breaking programs related to apt closed normal bug reports 6.0 6 10 years 36 weeks Legimet 10 years 39 weeks
Trisquel mini Leafpad deleting pieces of remote plain text archive after ssh-mounting through PCManFM active critical bug reports 6.0 10 years 37 weeks 10 years 37 weeks
Trisquel usb-creator-gtk active normal bug reports 6.0 3 10 years 37 weeks 10 years 37 weeks
Web Access denied access a link active minor bug reports 10 years 37 weeks 10 years 37 weeks
Trisquel [GFSD Issue] Scribus included non-free contents patch (ready) blocking bug reports 6.0 11 10 years 37 weeks 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel Chess game suddenly changes to two player mode in the middle of game active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 37 weeks 10 years 37 weeks
Trisquel Can't get right click menu needs more info normal bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 39 weeks 10 years 39 weeks
Trisquel base-files includes /etc/os-release for Ubuntu closed normal bug reports 6.0 3 10 years 39 weeks Michał Masłowski 10 years 43 weeks
Trisquel abrowser suggests a proprietary irc client closed normal bug reports 3 10 years 39 weeks 14 years 27 weeks
Trisquel abrowser recommend proprietary software closed normal bug reports 6.0 5 10 years 39 weeks 10 years 42 weeks
Trisquel apt-add-repository crashes duplicate normal bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 39 weeks 10 years 39 weeks
Trisquel license violation duplicate normal bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 41 weeks alimiracle 10 years 41 weeks
Trisquel Proprietary services are offered in a default gThumb's extension active normal feature requests 6.0 10 years 42 weeks Shodz 10 years 42 weeks
Trisquel Epiphany gets installed and set as default browser on netinstall active normal bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 43 weeks 11 years 8 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser 29 propting user to install flash wrong minor support requests 6.0 3 10 years 43 weeks 10 years 44 weeks
Trisquel Warmux included non-free images. patch (ready) critical bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 46 weeks upstream 11 years 1 week
Trisquel [Packaging Request] chromium-browser active minor feature requests 6.0 8 10 years 46 weeks 13 years 13 weeks
Trisquel selenium webdriver hangs running abrowser active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 46 weeks 10 years 46 weeks
Web CRITICAL: Heartbleed and what to change (cert, passwd) in Trisquel website needs more info normal bug reports 6 10 years 46 weeks david 10 years 48 weeks
Web Underscores in URLs break the link active normal bug reports 1 10 years 48 weeks 11 years 49 weeks
Trisquel OpenSSL secirity issues closed critical bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 48 weeks 10 years 48 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser's source code editor (Orion) doesn't work closed normal bug reports 6.0 6 10 years 48 weeks 11 years 46 weeks
Trisquel Do NOT Install SSH Server by Default when Selecting Trisquel Desktop Environment Software Package closed normal feature requests 6.0 9 10 years 49 weeks 11 years 2 weeks
Web Typ0 on the front page patch (needs work) normal bug reports 1 10 years 49 weeks david 10 years 49 weeks
Trisquel Broadcast accounts include Facebook, Twitter, et al by default active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 50 weeks 10 years 50 weeks
Web xarchiver contact info and website info is stale active normal bug reports 2 10 years 50 weeks 10 years 51 weeks
Trisquel Instalación en maquina virtual active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 50 weeks 10 years 50 weeks
Trisquel Synaptic allows installation of non-free software wrong minor bug reports 6.0 5 10 years 50 weeks 11 years 50 weeks
Trisquel uncompression error_system halted needs more info normal support requests 6.0 4 10 years 51 weeks LESAGE 10 years 51 weeks
Trisquel Tools for NVIDIA's binary driver in repo closed critical bug reports 6.0 7 10 years 51 weeks 11 years 6 weeks
Trisquel Netinstall Problem luks passphrase closed critical bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 51 weeks 11 years 2 days
Trisquel apertium-tolk no funciona con caracteres con tilde o ñ active normal bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 52 weeks 13 years 8 weeks
Trisquel iPod does not sync active normal bug reports 6.0 2 10 years 52 weeks quiliro 12 years 13 weeks
Trisquel gtkpod iPod manager shuts down when opening preferences active normal bug reports 6.0 10 years 52 weeks 10 years 52 weeks
Trisquel fpc included non-free files. patch (ready) critical bug reports 6.0 1 10 years 52 weeks upstream 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel mini pcmanfm "menu://applications" empty active normal bug reports 6.0 11 years 9 hours 11 years 9 hours
Trisquel NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT 1GB: Low resolution and flickers closed critical bug reports 6.0 9 11 years 22 hours 11 years 47 weeks
Trisquel Xorg Joystick Driver Mouse Emulation Bug active normal bug reports 6.0 11 years 4 days 11 years 4 days
Trisquel tomoe included non-free content (SKIP code problem) active critical bug reports 6.0 4 11 years 4 days 11 years 10 weeks
Trisquel 'ntp' config defaults are ubuntu based active minor tasks 6.0 11 years 6 days 11 years 6 days
Trisquel Unable to use cryptographic harddisk encoding with aes-xts-plain64 active normal bug reports 6.0 11 years 1 week 11 years 1 week
Trisquel Add OpenSUSE's Firefox KDE patches to Abrowser patch (needs review) normal feature requests 6.0 4 11 years 2 weeks 11 years 6 weeks
Trisquel Why user and password in live cd? active blocking bug reports 6.0 3 11 years 3 weeks 11 years 9 weeks
Trisquel evince does not open links on the browser active normal bug reports 6.0 11 years 4 weeks 11 years 4 weeks
Trisquel deluge-web requires Flash active normal bug reports 6.0 11 years 4 weeks 11 years 4 weeks
Trisquel Chance to close the CD-Drive before shutting down active minor feature requests 6.0 2 11 years 4 weeks 11 years 7 weeks
Trisquel Remove acpi=off option active critical bug reports 6.0 4 11 years 5 weeks 11 years 6 weeks
Trisquel Package and set up DNSCrypt-proxy as default active normal feature requests 6.0 11 years 6 weeks 11 years 6 weeks
Web All Language Flags Activated on Non-Translated Pages active normal bug reports 11 years 7 weeks 11 years 7 weeks
Trisquel kdebase included non-free code. active critical bug reports 6.0 1 11 years 7 weeks 11 years 10 weeks