Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?
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Title says it all. Can we get some news?
no news. nothing has changed.
oh my..here it goes agin'
That's it... we've had enough. Ratpoison is now the default!
If you don't like it then install your favorite and stop posting about it. ;-)
There's no God but GNU system and all are its humble servants. Strip the system of GUI, for we are iconoclasts and there should be no image of GNU.
Topple these golden calves that call themselves GUIs and bow to no other than GNU, for we worship freedom that knows no shackles of GUI. A GUI is a false abstraction layer to disconnect the user from the computer; all images deserve to be burned in fire so that a new spirit devoid of likenesses can emerge from the ashes to rule all the world.
nah,I love me my gui
Can GNU save you from a past life of looking at the world through dirty Windows?
Can GNU save you from the cult if "i"?
Is there a Kernel of truth waiting for us to rescue it?
Don't give me SaaSS now... just the truth.
ok, but have some saass

Just thought I'd give a summary of some of the links regarding Trisquel 8. This only includes the English language forums. Maybe somebody can do the same with the other language forums. This is not comprehensive. It was created using the search feature with the key phrase: "Trisquel 8". I probably missed some, so please add them if you discover any. If this could ultimately be made a sticky maybe it will stop all of these redundant posts.
Posts surrounded by *** are posts by t3g. t3g is obsessed with Ubuntu 16.04 and even more obsessed with having Trisquel 8 be based on MATE.
The only FACT that we have regarding the release of Trisquel 8 is that Ruben said it will be in 2016. Period. End of story. You don't have to like it--I would just as soon have it be released yesterday, but that is not reality. If anybody has a direct quote from Ruben, more recent than the one included in this post, please post it
November 2015
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/please-release-trisquel-71-and-start-8-development ***
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/its-time-start-questioning-trisquels-longevity ***
t3g suggests ousting Ruben because t3g can't wait like everybody else
December 2015
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/zfs-will-be-available-trisquel-8-will-you-use-it ***
February 2016
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/trisquel-8-using-mate-default-heres-something-new-if-you-unity ***
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/who-working-mate-theme-trisquel-8 ***
March 2016
******* https://trisquel.info/en/new-cycle-what-we-achieved-and-whats-come *******
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/who-working-trisquel-8-theme-asking-again ***
April 2016
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/mate-desktop-default-trisquel-70 "in a month Trisquel 8 will be out" CalmStorm
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/two-mate-package-questions-trisquel-8 ***
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/using-mate-trisquel-8-was-smart-considering-some-say-ubuntu-mate-best-version ***
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/will-trisquel-8-embrace-snap-packaging-custom-trisquel-specific-applications ***
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/trisquel-updates-ppa "Trisquel 8 is coming out in about a month" CalmStorm
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/should-i-wait-trisquel-8 "We may have to wait a couple of months" Magic Banana
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/another-reason-use-mate-trisquel-8 ***
May 2016
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/release-gnewsense-4-beta-codenamed-ucclia Some say Trisquel 8 will be out in a couple of months
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/do-we-have-date-trisquel-8-release ***
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/when-will-trisquel-80-flidas-release "I guess the answer is: when ready" CalmStorm
let's switch from Ruben to Santi to, "push the project forward to release it sooner", OP
June 2016
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/trisquel-about-ethics-not-technology-or-innovation We deserve updates
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/could-trisquel-8-switch-mate ***
*** https://trisquel.info/en/forum/ubuntu-1604-released-2-months-ago-trisquel-8-status ***
That's because most of the people would rather argue about ethics than the actual OS. Ethics are an important part of FLOSS, but some people like myself want a more up to date OS.
"some people like myself want a more up to date OS."
There are over 1,000 distros, pick one that accomplishes this for you. You seem to like Ubuntu 16.04, just go use that and leave us alone.
Who wants bleeding edge *free* software should use Parabola (and potentially bleed). Please, do not invite anyone to "leave us" and use non-free software. Just click the "-" button if the post does not respect the community guidelines: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines
"Please, do not invite anyone to "leave us" and use non-free software. Just click the "-" button if the post does not respect the community guidelines: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines"
You are 100% right, Magic Banana. I apologize.
If I thought of Parabola I would have suggested it. Instead, at least I could post a '-'.
It is a little frustrating to read these nervous posts by t3g every month about 'when is it ready?' 'when is it ready?' 'when is it ready?'
Hopefully people will see this thread and realize t3g is repeating himself and pay less attention to him.
So you are the authority now? Did my playful posts laced with sexual innuendo make you feel uncomfortable? That's a shame. I thought you had more balls and wouldn't hide behind a down voting system.
You claim to be this computer expert. What is it that you actually do?
I support Magic Banana's comment about not recommending non-free system
Let's end this "give-updates-or-we-leave-to-non-free"-thingy.
We all know that there are other nice free system distributions out
there, pick one:
* Parabola
* GuixSD
* gNewSense
* Ututo
* LibreCMC
* ProteanOS
* Replicant
Every other is just non-free unless officially approved.
Ututu isn't really being maintained. But you don't need ututo to have a fully free gentoo system
Sorry but I have an objection to make:
Even if you succeed on installing Libreboot with Gentoo, or even if you
do buy one of Minifree's Libreboot to use with your copy of Gentoo, what
makes you think that Gentoo is, by this situation eligible as "free"?
I and almost all free software activists have told you all various times
here and also in IRC (both in #trisquel, #fsf, #gnu, #libreplanet, and
so on and on):
The fact that *you* are able to use a non-free system distribution only
with free software doesn't qualify it as free. You can't, as a free
software activist, recommend it to the general public, because if you do
so, you're not applying the free software
criteria[applying-fs-criteria], and are probably, making ruinous
You can recommend these non-free system distributions and use then if,
and only if, for the purpose of developing a complete or partial
Instead of just using Gentoo, free software activists should develop a
free/libre system distribution based on it, and also submit the
resulting distro to evaluation (details on this is informed on the pages
that list free/libre system distributions). Or better yet, avoid making
a whole new project, and just contribute to an existing free/libre one
The same applies for those who love Debian: Go work with gNewSense and
stop recommending non-free functional data or non-free system
If you follow the steps in the link I posted then it becomes a fully free system, because portage will deblob the kernel and warn you if you attempt to install software with a non-free license. You can even mask software with non-free licenses so you never have the temptation of using it. It's like Debian.
Edit: your last link is not related because I didn't recommend non-free software at any part of my post, not directly nor implying nor any other way.
It's still non-free, it doesn't follow the GNU Free System Distribution
Guidelines, and also, see:
To "Maintain FSF Certified Status" (as the title of the section reads), ACCEPT_LICENSE should be "-* @FSF-APPROVED @FSF-APPROVED-OTHER". In contrast, "@FREE" includes "@OSI-APPROVED", "@MISC-FREE" and "@MISC-FREE-DOCS". See https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/License_Groups
But even with ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FSF-APPROVED @FSF-APPROVED-OTHER", the situation is not perfect: programs that raise subtle issues, such as those listed at http://libreplanet.org/wiki/List_of_software_that_does_not_respect_the_Free_System_Distribution_Guidelines would still be installed unaltered despite those settings.
(double post)
From #trisquel about an hour ago:
< quidam> I'm taking friday off for the next 2 months, to work on Trisquel 8
< quidam> I hope to have a debootstrapable system ready by today
Thank you! Communication. Now everybody can just relax and wait.
quidam santo subito, err, nope - jxself santo subito! :P
That's good news then. The sad thing is, it's going to take at least two months more to release T8 Flidas.
I am new to Trisquel and have deep respect for what you all are trying to do.
I find it sad that most of the posts on this discussion are complaining that we don't have Trisquel 8 in our hands right now. All I can say is that I am not a true coder yet, but have been working on becoming free myself. I want to help and as I switch over to a libre lifestyle, I plan to become more involved with this project.
For those who are only sitting here complaining, how about instead, you help with the development of it. You are acting childish and whining because a new distro isn't up and running. If you want it to be released, help with its development and stop bashing those who are taking their own time, money, and knowledge to make you happy.
1) Help with the development by coding
2) Help with development by donating to those who know how to code to help subset the costs of their own lifestyles while developing.
3) Stop arguing with the community. We are all here to help one another become libre. We can't be diving just because we aren't happy with the "pretty things".
4) Trisquel is working great for me with 7 and have had relatively low problems using the OS.
Again, thank you for all the work that everyone is doing. I hope that I can be of service. I will try harder to help with anything I can.
Thank you. I knew there had to be a file here somewhere :)
I will do my best at what i can.
I look forward to a new release because I can take something with an established look like ElementaryOS and run the Ubuntu to Trisquel conversion script. Heck, isn't that also the best way to get Unity running in Trisquel? Install standard Ubuntu and then run the conversion script.
FYI, the latest ElementaryOS beta based off of 16.04 is out: http://blog.elementary.io/post/145881464631/loki-beta
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