Root and swap partition size

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Joined: 08/18/2020

I just reinstalled Aramo on my desktop, using the whole disk of 1TB with LVM option (no ciphering). The installer made the following partitions:

  • root: 23.3 GB. After installation of all packages that I previously had and update of guix (I only installed darktable from guix), the root partition has 17 GB occupied.
  • swap: 2.9 GB. My desktop has 16 GB memory, I don't intend to use the hibernate function, so this is just for swapping.

What would be a good size for root and for swap?

I decided to resize increase root size by 35 GB as follows:

  1. boot on a trisquel live USB
  2. run "sudo lvresize -r -L -35G /dev/vgtrisquel/home" (reduce home)
  3. run "sudo lvresize -r -L 35G /dev/vgtrisquel/root" (increase root)
  4. shutdown, remove the live USB, boot

Now I have:
$ df -h --type=ext4
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vgtrisquel-root 58G 17G 38G 31% /
/dev/mapper/vgtrisquel-home 841G 51G 748G 7% /home

Note 1: if I had ciphering, after 1. and before 2., I would have run "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 whatever" where /dev/sda3 is the partition that contains the ciphered volume.

Note 2: backup before trying to resize a partition, mistakes occur.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

It would be nice to have in Trisquel's online documentation a manual with such information. Somebody put "Managing disks and partitions" on but the link leads nowhere. You could replace that entry for "Resizing partitions" (that is less ambitious but better than an ambitious manual that does not exist!). Another brief section for traditional partitions (that GParted can resized, from a live system) would be nice.


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

Somebody put "Managing disks and partitions" on but the link leads nowhere.

In, I see:

When I follow the "Files and Documents" page (following the first link), I see:

Some pages listed in the "Files and Documents" page are not listed in the upper level page (e.g. Thunar, External USB drives, which I just added using the "add child page" function), some pages appear at both levels but with different titles, one page appears at the upper level but not at the lower level (Managing disks and partitions ).

When adding a child page, is it expected to update the top level page so that it is listed there? (if yes, I can do it by manually editing the page). Should also the title and order be aligned? (can do by manually editing too). Should all pages listed below "Files and Documents" in also be listed in the page that opens when clicking on the link for "Files and Documents" in (not sure what to do exactly, should the whole page be recreated as a child?).

Another question is whether there to use html or wikipedia format preferrably. I am familiar with very basic html, which is certainly enough, but I noticed that pages using wikipedia format have some automatically generated tags like "toc1", "toc2" etc which could have some use, perhaps to automate the things I mentioned above, but maybe it was so much ignored so far that it does not matter anymore?

Which page can I use as "good examples"?

I used to make notes of useful things in unsorted text files on my disk, but I realized that a wiki is probably more convenient for that and I could probably put all what I have there in the Trisquel wiki directly rather than on my disk.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

I would answer "yes" to all your first questions. I believe there are no rules on how to write Trisquel's documentation... and I do not think there should be any (well, none beyond the obvious: no vandalism, only free software, aim for clarity, etc.) for the moment: the documentation suffers more from a lack of contribution (that rules may further hinder) than from a lack of quality.

For the same reason, choose the language you prefer to write on the wiki. (Well, actually, the site will migrate soon; I guess the documentation will migrate as well whatever the language it is written in, but if it will not be the case, it will be good to know it now.)