Revisión de Proposed policies, procedures, & solutions de Mér, 10/17/2012 - 19:44
As revisións permítenlle rastrexar as diferenzas que hai entre distintas versións dunha entrada.
This wiki page is for drafting polices, procedures, and democratic/management of contributing users. This is NOT official and we are planning to write up a proposal to Rubén Rodríguez to ease his burden and further the project. Rubén Rodríguez is the lead developer and project founder.
Purpose: To develop systems, leadership, and reduce the burden on the lead developer.
Process to achieve this goal
1. Communicate with those interested in participation who have been unable or unwilling to contribute thus far via the Trisquel Forums. Started. Ongoing.
Forum Discussion: What would make you become an associate member?
2. Document skills, interests, and propose policies and procedures to ensure success of the objective here.
Proposals for leadership structure, roles, and responsibilities
Board of people not responsible for day to day organisation/leadership although directs the overall project direction (feedback):
Proposed people for this board: Rubén Rodríguez (quidam), lead developer, Christopher Waid (Chris), ?? who else is a dedicated and or got some involvement long term ??
Council: The people on the council would make coordinated decisions on various aspects of the project. These may or may not be the more minor changes. Team leads would ideally be the liaison to the council and most likely also council members due to the current size of the distribution. Who was on the council could be voted on by associate members.
Proposed council members
[ add your name here and a description of skills, background, etc + contact info at the bottom ]
Team leaders
[ what titles / roles do we need? ]
- lead translator, translator
- [malberts] I'm not an actual translator, but I could take on the role of managing the Drupal side of things or giving general assistance with the translation processes
- lead developer, contributing developer, 'newbie' lead developer (for helping new developers)
- documentation lead (to manage, keep up to date, wean, and document)
- marketing / press relations / artwork lead / active in fund raising (to learn about and write up press releases, seek donations, etc)
- systems admin / web lead (manage the back end, drupal, issue permissions, design backup/restore system, revision control, etc)
- [malberts] I could assist with this too.
Problems brought up on the forum and proposed policy/solutions
- Wikipage: Website Translations (was started, we need to move forward on this)
- [malberts] I have been holding back because we need some feedback from Rubén. I've marked some things as TODO but some of them are pending some changes to the website/management. Ideally we should get feedback from new translators so we know what kinds of information they need. I've worked with and built a multilingual Drupal website before so it is easy for me to understand the process and I could miss something that a new translator might have trouble with.
- Problem to solve: People start projects, and then leave, abandoned, disorganized, and unmaintainable.
- Proposed policy: Require at least three volunteers before translations can be started (or at least incorporated).
- [SirGrant]: Alternative would be have a certain amount of articles translated and ready to go. For example, if a user had all the front page articles and a decent amount of documentation translated I believe that would display enough investment to warrant adding a language without having 3 translators.
- Proposed solution: Start wiki; Record the languages of volunteers. Once we have three contact volunteers to verify participation.
We should setup a calendar/schedule/roadmap. Even a roadmap that we were not constrained to would make it easier to alert translators and others to upcoming releases and meetings. Automation (send emails) would be even better.
We should contact all the current translators to get an idea of who is still active or not yet listed.
- Side Project: For anyone interested in translation that doesn't have "translator status" please consider translating issues that you find on the bug tracker in your language to English.
- looks like a roadmap was started here although very out of date; this should probably have info on when Trisquel releases occur. Probably a job for the lead coordinator/manager:
Issue Tracker
- Forum Discussion: Forum Discussion: Solve bugs on a timeframe depending on the priority
- Problem: (1) Lack of attention and regulation of issue tracker. Some critical freedom bugs are over 2 years old (example 1, example 2). (2) Some issues/bugs reported to the issue tracker are not appropriate and should be reported upstream (example 1, example 2). (3) Lack of development hands.
- Proposed solutions:
- Issue 3: Make it easier for new developers to join in.
- Mentor program: Have a senior member hand-hold a interested person on how to fix simple bugs and become involved in development
- Documentation: Clear up wiki-page on package helpers
- Issue 2: Add a policy (see draft on dev list) for reporting bugs. This would make it easier to close bugs that do not follow the rules and re-direct them elsewhere.
- Issue 1: Attempt to establish a time-frame for certain types of bugs. For example freedom bugs should be solved in a certain time frame. Maybe add another category besides "minor", "normal", and "critical". Maybe one that is "freedom issue" and these bugs take top priority and ideally should be solved ASAP. Other examples could include: issues marked as "need more info" with no followup in 3 months from the OP should be closed.
- Issue 3: Make it easier for new developers to join in.
Associate Membership
Reasons people have not become Trisquel Associate Members:- Boycotting Paypal (jxself, ronbravo, lembas)
- Proposed solution (not great): Setup donation product at and forward money. Downside is money gets taxed twice. Does not really avoid paypal. Possible solution is a check.
- Alternative: investigate how does it, or maybe setup an account with pledgie
- [malberts] Pledgie uses PayPal. I imagine the FSF website uses a payment gateway that processes credit cards. The receiving party needs to have an account with them. Usually this is some kind of business account.
- How about Bitcoin?
- Personal Finances (nothing the project can do about this)
Community Guidelines
- Forum Post: Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!
- Trisquel Community Guidelines
Community volunteers
People who have put forth an interest on the forum that they would like to get involved; include contact info and description of skills/time/ability:
used trisquel for one year, was a paid blogger, can translate English to Filipino, does not make much money to support family "You can contact me thru my profile in these forums or my Statusnet account at"
Can translate to Brazillian Portuguese does not work and lives with parents; has minimal coding experience in C, Java, Vala, Python and Haskell; learned from books
Having a formal foundation and organization, with public reports showing where the money goes would get my money.
C/C++/assembly software developer; needs direction in developing for GNU/Linux distributions
computer programmer/software engineer by day (and by night in my spare time) Needs guidance to what needs doing though; willing to spend "some" of my free time working on trisquel. He can "get by" in the web development world even though it is not his main domain "spent some time looking through the trisquel repos, trying to get familiar with how the system work"
User: w5xtl AKA Jeramy Ross
Software Development Experience: Software engineer for 10+ years with language experience in C, C++, Python, Java, and various other less prominent languages.
GNU/Linux Experience: Have been a GNU/Linux user for 15 years (since 1997) and have experience with Slackware (first distro I used), Debian, RedHat, SuSE (and later OpenSuSE), and several others that were/are derived from these.
Languages: English
Time/Commitment: I am a working professional, and married with a family. So I do have those priorities; however, I am in this for the long term. I can and will commit whatever time I do have (which would average 10-20 hours a week) for the long term. I desire, and look forward to becoming a integral and productive member of the community and team in any capacity that I can.
Contact: Contact me via my profile here, and I can provide my email and phone information, as needed, to facilitate easier contact.
C/C++, Python, Bash scripts, PHP; has touched Drupal although it's been 2 yrs. He has the time although his disability is such that he could end up non-communicative at any moment and then possibly back again. Has been a paid non-free operating system developer in the past.
Has started reading package maint-guide and its assigned reading as it appears to be readily available developer training.
looking for a job, will get membership once employed, proficient in HTML, CSS, PHP and Wordpress, does gtk themeing and working on a Trisquel theme for gtk3, can translate Hindi
knows python- how well? not sure-sounds like not much; couldn't figure out where to start based on tickets; says needs hand holding
Language(s): English only (despite translator badge)
Programming skills: Introductory level java. Will try to learn some bash scripting when I go to visit my dad in a few weeks (he is very good at it).
Availability:Work full time (~40 hours) and go dancing in my spare time. Try to spend a few hours a week contributing to the project. Willing to work on documentation and simple bug fixes.
Other:I have some admin features enabled on my account. I can delete wiki-pages and do things like mark bugs as fixed.
helping doing translations for Italian, knows only a bit of C++, HTML4 and Python although wants to learn/needs some direction; like being given "little works"
Could translate to Portuguese; Knows a little XHTML, CSS and some less in Javascript. Starting to learn C. Needs at least three persons before the translations will start.
User: malberts AKA Morne Alberts
Contacting me: On this website, OR malberts in IRC, OR ask for my Jabber details.
Languages: Afrikaans, English, minor experience in various West European languages, general interest in languages and linguistics.
Primary skills: Drupal 6 and 7 -- backend configuration, custom development, LAMP setup for Drupal multisites.
Bug fixing: Will attempt more when I am a little more proficient in tradional build environments.
Availability: Busy with full-time Drupal contract work at the moment.
User: andresm Andres
Contacting me: On this website, mailing list users and usuario (spanish and english) hopefully translator in near future.
Languages: English (UK but sometimes slip to USA) Spanish (spain)
Primary skills: little Translation little programing but little to show for myself. last attempt was using quickly (bazzar + glaze+ python). I am OK with writting instructions for other users.
Bug reporting: I am used to bug reporting on Ubuntu unsure about how to do it in
Availability: I have a job and family. But plan to have at least 30min set apart every Tuesday
Contacting me: On this website, translators' mailing list.
Languages: English and French.
Primary skills: English to French translation. Support newbie users. C++ software developer. Have also developed with Java, Python. Not familiar with GNU/Linux dev environment.
Availability: I have a job and family. Can do some stuff when time permits.