Enviado por Reginaldo el Lun, 11/19/2012 - 13:56.
Revisión de Lista Completa de Conteudos - Portugues-br de Vie, 02/18/2022 - 13:24
La revisión le permite rastrear las diferencias que hay entre distintas versiones de una entrada.
I. Filosofia
- O que é software livre?
- Uma questão de liberdade
- Ensaios e Artigos
- Glossario (Precisa Escrita)
- Cobras e Escadas
- Specificação da licença (precisa trabalho)
- DRM (por favor, ajude a melhorar)
- Hardware (Precisa de Trabalho e Revisão)
- BIOS (por favor, ajude a melhorar)
- Computação Traiçoeira (traduções)
- Open Source: silêncio sobre questões de liberdade
II. About Trisquel
III. Ask for help
- Forum
- IRC (#trisquel on irc.libera.chat)
- Common questions
IV. Setup
- Installing Trisquel (from boot media)
- Cloning a system
- Migrating from Ubuntu
- Accessibility
- Orca Walkthrough: audio guides for blind users
- Visual, hearing, and mobility -- tools (Third-Party)
- GNU Accessibility Statement
VI. Set up hardware
- Categories of computers
- personal computer
- tablet and smart phone (Page does not exist)
- Configuring your hardware
- Graphics cards
- Printers
- Scanners
- Webcams
- Wifi
- Mobile Broadband
- Microphone (Needs Writing)
- Function keys (Needs Writing)
- Complete Systems and parts vendors
- Minifree (Gluglug) (laptops with free BIOS)
- Libiquity (American vendor of Minifree laptops)
- ThinkPenguin (laptops, desktops, printers, etc)
- Novena
- Lenovo ThinkPads (Please improve)
- LibreTrend (Closed)
- Dell Inspiron 1300
- Chromebook
- MacBook
- GNU's complete systems and OS preinstalled list
- Tehnoetic wireless adapter (RYF certified USB wifi card)
- Minifree (Gluglug) (laptops with free BIOS)
VII. Home and office
- Files and Documents
- Files and folders: introduction (Needs Writing)
- Opening files with different apps than their default
- Managing disks and partitions (Needs Writing)
- The Terminal
- Introduction to the command line or "terminal" (Needs Revision and minor cleanup)
- Never simply copy and paste commands
- Internet
- Connecting to the Internet (Needs Writing)
- Web browser documentation
- Abrowser's keyboard shortcuts (these instructions also apply to GNU IceCat)
- Tweaking your browser to enhance security and privacy
- Chat online
- Instant messengers and protocols (working on this)
- IRC (Needs Minor Cleanup)
- Internet video
- Videos Without FlashPlayer (Need Confirmation Testings)
- YouTube Without Proprietary JavaScript, ActionScript (Needs Formatting)
- Media
- Music
- Rip audio CDs (Needs Minor Cleanup)
- Tag music files (Needs Writing)
- Video
- Enable DVD Playback for DVDs with CSS DRM
- Play videos without Adobe Flash Player (Needs Minor Cleanup)
- Watch YouTube videos using youtube-dl
- Media player
- Music
- Productivity (This section needs work) (Page does not exist)
- Word Processor
- Spreadsheet
- Accounting
- Presentation
- Timekeeping
- Point of sale
- Project management
- Dictionary
- Customer relationship management
- Statistics and Data Mining
- Information Processing
- Privacy and Security
- Privacy
- Email Self Defense
- Encrypt and Sign Emails with GPG
- Chat encryption
- How to stay anonymous online (Needs Finishing)
- Free Search Engines
- Encrypt your home directory after install (Needs cleanup)
- [HowTo: Encrypting the Hard Disk] (@ToDo)
- Wipe out files and Partitions (this section needs writing)
- Minimize your browser fingerprint
- How to install and use ZeroNet in Trisquel 7 Belenos
- Security
- [Passwords] (@ToDo)
- [Users, Groups, Owners and Attributes] (@ToDo)
- [Firewall] (@ToDo)
- [Antivirus] (@ToDo)
- Privacy
- Settings
- Fonts
- Universal Access
- Startup Applications
- Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs)
- Installing/Unistalling Desktops
- Install GNOME Shell
- Install MATE
- Install XFCE
- Install KDE
- Unity on Trisquel 7.0
- Create a Gnome-flashback dedicated session to use it with compiz
- [HowTo Uninstall desktops] (@ToDO)
- Installing/Unistalling Desktops
- Managing
- Modifying Trisquel desktop effects (compton) (Not finished)
- [Choosing between desktops] (@ToDO)
- Managing
- Window Managers
- Third-party documentation
- External Free Software Documentation (Needs Minor Cleanup)
VIII. Servers
- Servers
- Why should I set up my own free software server?
- Richard Stallman explains in the Boston Review, and at GNU.org.
- Why should I set up my own free software server?
- Install Trisquel as a server
- Mail Transfer Agent (MTA or "email server")
- Setting up MX Records (ToDo) for your domain
- Choose, install, and set up an MTA
- Mail Transfer Agent (MTA or "email server")
- Education (category?)
- Linux Terminal Server Project (Needs Cleanup)
- Education (category?)
- Printer and Scanner
IX. Advanced
- Advanced
- Power-user guides
- Build Your Own Version of Trisquel
- Optimizing battery time
- Compile a GNU Linux-libre kernel
- Update the Linux-libre kernel
- Compiling software from source code
- Customizing a Trisquel disc image (Needs Cleanup)
- Configuring an LTSP Server
- Virtualbox
- Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI
- Virtualization using KVM(Needs VFIO Documentation)
- Configure loging prompt
- Installing latest backported kernel and xserver
- Mirror Trisquel
- Power-user guides
- Troubleshooting Solutions
- Boot-time and boot-time options for troubleshooting
- Installation troubleshooting
- Suspend and Hibernation troubleshooting (Needs rewrite, minor cleanup)
- Sound Troubleshooting
- Boot-time and boot-time options for troubleshooting
- About Troubleshooting
- Documenting Troubleshooting
- [HowTo React](@ToDo)
- Documenting Troubleshooting
XI. Contributors
- I replaced Alphabetical List of Manuals with All Manuals. It's just a name change. Alphabetical List of Manuals is not alphabetical anymore. The new name describes the page better I think.
- These community members are responsible for all the content on Alphabetical List of Manuals. It was a lot of content, and all of it carried over to the new All Manuals. -- muhammed, Dec 28 2013
- Apenas por que um arquivo está marcado como "pronto" não significa que ele não pode ser melhorado. Simplesmente significa ser de uma qualidade suficiente. Coisas como ortografia/ gramática podem sempre ser melhoradas ou fixadas. Além disso, se um artigo utiliza uma versão desatualizada do Trisquel como um exemplo ele talvez tenha que ser atualizado.